Saturday, August 26, 2006

So how do you like to dress ?

Three Posts tonight (well the diets keeping me in)

So how do you like to dress ?

I hate wearing ties about the only time you will catch me in one is either at a Wedding, Funeral, Christening or in Posh Golf Club Bar.

And here is a confession I don't even own a Suit (formal dress is not for me).

Luckily the company I work for like everyone from management to the shop floor workers to dress the same and provide us with Polo shirts (so no tie).

If I'm going out I much prefer the smart casual look, whether the shirt is inside or outside the trousers depends on where I'm going and who with.

In fact for day to day I'm much more comfortable in Jeans, T Shirt & trainers. Around the house I tend to wear shorts most of the time.

As for fashions I think there a waste of money, I'm a great buyer of last years fashions, they are much cheaper and value for money, who notices anyway. Of course the real skill is buying articles of clothing before they become fasionable and the price rockets.

Tell me about what you prefer to wear.


airliebird58 said...

I never wear a dress or a shirt nowadays. Jeans and t-shirts for me, but I can smarten myself up if need be. :)

Rachel said...

I prefer to go nude. No, I'm JUST kidding. I shop ALOT at a US chain called Goody's. Cute outfits and cute prices.

In the summer, I wear alot of skirts and dresses. In the winter, I wear alot of dress suits that are pants and tops.

Like everything else, it goes by the mood I am in. (True female, ey?)

Unknown said...

I like to wear Jeans and Shirts, Not really t-shirts, but sometimes I wear them. I am not a fan of regular t-shirts. I usually wear a more fashionable type shirt with a v-neck.
I don't like to wear skirts or dresses, but only because of my weight problem. When I get thinner I would love to wear dresses and skirts.
I don't wear shorts very often. I LIVE in sandals and flip-flops!
And since I am a nurse, everyday I wear scrubs (pajamas!) to work.

Mick & Cathy said...

I think the point here is the fact we all are sensible enough to wear what we feel comfy in.
I'm sure you all look great whatever you wear.