Friday, August 25, 2006

I live in Megawatt Valley

This coming week thousands of protesters (and police) are making my home town their home.

Apparently I live in Megawatt Valley in the shadow of three massive coal fired power stations. Protesters from all around the country are targeting the biggest of these (Drax) and rumour as it going to try and shut it down.

Check out their website - Climate Camp

I am in favour of our governments doing everthing possible to help improve our emmisions. I also believe we can all make changes in our lifestyles to help I am not in favour of these demonstrations, we need to concentrate all our efforts in finding viable alternative energy sources.

If the protesters got their way none of us would have jobs and we would put ourselves back into the middle ages. Trying to close these places without an alternative is the same as us all packing our jobs in so you don't use your car or any other power source.


airliebird58 said...

With most things in life you have to 'live in the real world' Nothing is ever perfect but we can always make things better, one step at a time. I do think its criminal with all the technology we have nowadays research into alternate power sources is so way behind our needs. At a guess the making of money is behind that conundrum.

Jenny said...

Yeah, do any of these protestors have to get up and go to work each day? Maybe they should get jobs in the science and technology fields and make a real difference!

Mick & Cathy said...

Thank you for your input, I totally agree with both of your comments.
There are ways and means of protesting.
It makes me laugh that groups like this will burn gallons of fuel to mobilise their followers, so hypocritical.