Friday, August 18, 2006

It may be your lucky day (or not)

Recently after reading all the blogs I like it as come to my notice how many of you talk about your partner or in some cases your search for a ideal partner.

I have always stated that I am not interested in getting involved with a permanent partner I think it would limit my lifestyle. However reading these blogs as led me to think about what type of person would make my perfect match. So now the hunt is on.
Where can I look ? Sports Clubs maybe, Pubs & Clubs would possibly destroy my weight loss plans, Work I'll have to check out whose still available and finally Bloggers there just maybe the ideal women out there.

So just in fun (of course) I have devised the following questions to help me find my ideal partner, please answer honestly and see how many points you score.
And don't bottle it have a go (you may just be the lucky person).

My theory if anyone scores a maximum (200) I'm on my way.
190 or above I'm definately interested.
180 or above a real possibility
170 or above worth consideration.
160 or above still an outside chance.

1. What sex are you ?
Male (0 point) - Female (50 points)

2. Are you in a relationship at present ?
Happily married (0) - Dodgy married (2) - Long term partner (4) - recent partner (5) - sick of partner (8) - Single (10)

3. How old are you ?
45 to 47 (10) - 44 or 48 (9) - 43 or 49 (8) - 42 or 50 (7) - 41 or 51 (6) - 40 or 52 (5) - 39 or 53 (4) - 38 or 54 (3) - 38 or 55 (2) - 37 or 56 (1) - any other (0)

4. How tall are you ?
5'8" (10) - 5'7" (9) - 5'6" (8) - 5' 5" (7) - 5' 4" (6) - 5'3" (5) - 5'2" (4) - 5'9" (3) - 5'10" (2) - 5'11" (1) - any other (0).

5. Musical tastes One point for each yes answer (10 points if yes to all seven questions) ?
Do you hate Rap music ?
Do you like live music ?
Do you like Blues ?
Do you like Rock ?
Do you like Jazz ?
Would you describe your taste as varied ?
Do you like music from all era's ?

6. Do you like eating out in nice restaurants ?
Yes (5) - No (0)

7. Do you like eating pub lunches ?
Yes (5) - No (0)

8. Who is your favorite soccer team (must pick one) ?
Leeds Utd (10) - Manchester Utd (minus50) - Chelsea, Galaterassary, Cardiff, Bayern Munich, Sheffield Utd (0) - Any other team (5) points.

9. Are you interested in Sport ?
Yes playing & watching (10) - Yes Playing or watching (8) - No not at all but I'll try (5) - Not at all (0)

10. Intimate moments (two points for each yes) ?
Do you like Cuddling up on the sofa while watching a film ?
Do you enjoy having your feet massaged ?
Do you enjoy walking down the street holding hands ?
Do you enjoy having suntan lotion put on for you ?
And finally do you enjoy having different parts of your body kissed ?

11. Would you like to travel the world?
Yes (10) - No (0)

12. Could you learn to like a Bald, Fat, 48 year old idiot ?
Yes (10) - No (0)

13. Do You smoke ?
Yes (0) - No (10)

14. How would you describe your physique ?
Cuddly (10) - shapely(8) - Slim (6) - Overweight (4) - Skinny (0)

15. Do you know how to make Yorkshire Pudding ?
Yes (10) - Willing to learn (5) - No (0)

16. Would you bring me breakfast in bed ?
Yes of course (10) - No (0)

17. Two points if you have each of the following, ten for all four ?
Nice Smile
Shapely Legs
Firm Boobs
Kissable lips

Don't be frightened to give your answers, this is your big chance to get lucky.


airliebird58 said...

I'd better not answer these, as I'm not in the market lol. Good luck with the hunt though!!

Mick & Cathy said...

I suppose question 2 limits you from a maximum but I reckon you are hiding a decent score. I wonder if anyone will have the nerve to set a target.

Joel said...

well, since you're looking for a score of at least 160 to even be in the hunt- I guess we're not meant to be as I only scored a whopping 56 points... I know you must be devestated.

Vanessa said...

Does 160 points make us compatible? Maybe that's why I like reading your blog.

Ah, the real test for me is could you love a little, furry, lovable, but spoiled pup named Filomena?

TitanThirteen said...

Hey, nice pic!

It's a shame you feel a partner would limit your lifestyle.
I'm married to my soulmate and yet i'm free. I can do what i want,when i want within the sanctity [crap spelling i know] of marriage. And so can he. We are best freinds before everything else. Best freinds who happen to be commited to each other.
I think it's sad when people feel a partner would "cramp their style" as its not supposed to be like that. My hubby makes me a better person. Aaawww now i feel all lovey dovey.I better go and rub his feet while he watches tele.... lol

Rachel said...

Finding the right person won't limit your lifestyle but it does complicate your lifestyle. Anyone that says it doesn't, isn't being honest or lives in a bubble.

Asking a woman her age - oh my. Mick, I thought we had talked about stuff like that;)

If you have to ask if she likes to eat, she ain't for you. Just like if I meet a guy and he's not fired up about steak or barbeque, he can have a good life, but I will only be in it as a friend. And vanilla ice cream - I LOVE vanilla ice cream.

I understand the self deprecating humor. The other day Greg paid me a compliment and I asked when his next eye appointment was gonna be.

Firm boobs?! Oh, that is setting yourself up for the satirist to ask about your body parts, you know;)

Mick & Cathy said...


I love Filomena, White is Leeds Utd Colours.

Exactly the point you are lucky to find you compatable partner.

My lifestyle would be limited I'm sure.
As for asking a lady her age not so they just have to put their total points, not their answers.
I love Steak and I'm sure I'll pay you a compliment when we eventually meet.
Fair point on body parts I could be on a loser there.

Anyway I didn't reckon you would bottle displaying your score.

ArleneWKW said...

Okay, I'm 130. I lost points for being happily married though, so I'm also on the ineligible list. This was fun. Good luck

Rachel said...

Mine was 145. I think I'm below the target minimum. Not a bring you breakfast in bed kind of person. I don't even eat breakfast. Just partake of the nectar of the morning gods....

Mick & Cathy said...

Still a friend though.

I thought I'd have problems with you and the breakfast bit.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

"Firm Boobs?" Who has firm boobs? I've always wondered about this. Breasts are made of very fatty tissue with NO muscle in them at all. It's impossible for natural breasts to ever be "firm." They are always soft, mushy, pliable. Now implants on the other hand are "firm" (or so I understand). So when guys ask for firm breasts or when women talk about having them, they must mean implants. That's all I can figure.

Mick & Cathy said...

Ok fair point about the fat issue and Boobs arn't actually firm. I will have to change my wording to nice boobs.

As for silicon implants "no thank you" give me a 100% real women anytime. Immitations of anything are never as good as the real thing.
Plastic surgery of any description should be only used on accident victims for medical reasons. We all get older and age.

Rachel said...

Just remember what I said - discussing boobs puts you in the line of fire to allow the mischevious woman to discuss/feel/measure your body parts...

Mick & Cathy said...

You are not going to make a fuss over such a little thing.