Tuesday, August 08, 2006

People that irritate me

These irritate me :-

1. People that ride around in cars with windows down playing Rap music really load.

2. People who don't acknowledge you when you hold a door open for them.

3. People that park in disabled spots (that shouldn't).

4. People that push in out of turn at the bar in the pub.

5. People that wear Manchester Utd shirts and don't even know where Manchester is.

6. People that smoke while I'm eating.

7. People that speak so loud on their mobile phones that everyone within the building can hear.

I'm sure everyone can think of more ?


Jenny said...

* People that talk to you but refuse to make eye contact.

* People that say things like "Gosh, you look terrible!" or "Have you gained weight recently?"

* People that have to top everything you say by telling an outrageous story to outdo you.

* Spammers/telemarketers

* door to door salesmen (even if they are selling religion!)

Unknown said...

people that pass you on the highway, get in front of you, and then drive slow....same for people that pull out in front of you when there isn't anyone behind you.

Mick & Cathy said...

Yes we have all met them irritable types.

Yes bad motorists are a pain, I personally hate them that drive really close up behind.

Rachel said...

>People who are idiots, KNOW they are idiots and yet do nothing to fix themselves and then reproduce.

>Someone who busts their ass to pull out in front of you while driving and then SLOWS down.

>When a friend doesn't answer an email. I mean, even if they can't go/do what you want, it'd be nice if they'd email back and say so instead of just ignoring the email.

>Auburn and Tennesee (spit). The latter more than the former but it's almost football season so time to get the mentality cranked up.

Mick & Cathy said...

Good answers