Friday, September 15, 2006

Pissed Off

Ever felt really pissed off about everything and not know the reason why.

I've had this feeling all week and to be honest I am pissed off with been pissed off.

It started on Monday at work (I enjoyed my weekend) I just couldn't motivate myself.
I played Pool Monday played crap couldn't be bothered to concentrate (thats not me).
Tuesday somebody really irritated me, I was surrounded by idiots.
Wednesday still not enjoying work, went to Table Tennis training and just didn't want to play, had a couple of games and went home (I always love training).
Weigh in went bad put on 2lb.
Also Leeds lost again, they are playing crap, but we've been here before.
Thursday played Golf and just was not competitive, that is not me at all, I could have easily walked off after 9 holes.
Friday crap day at work, took a Table Tennis coaching session but just didn't really want to do it
I've just a total lack of motivation in everything at present.
Forgot to add I've just developed a sore throat, as you can imagine that as really pleased me.

Why am I feeling like this ?
What is the cure ?

Honest I am not normally like this and I don't like it. My holiday is coming up in under 12 days and I don't want to be a miserable prat.

I feel like going to the pub all weekend and going on a complete bender (not done that for a few years). Don't worry I won't.


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

airliebird58 said...

Youre maybe a bit run down Mick, take it easy this weekend. :)

Jenny said...

I'm sorry you are in a bit of a funk this week--you have been putting yourself under a lot of pressure to stay on your diet. You will definitely perk up for that vacation!

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

It's baffling to me that the safest, most comforting place for you is a pub. An English pub is like an American bar, no? I'm quite uncomfortable in bars and always feel like an eight-year-old who knows she doesn't belong there and is about to be kicked out at any minute. Bars have nothing for me: I don't enjoy drinking or smoking or watching sports or standing/sitting around pretending to talk to people I don't really know (I've yet to experience a real conversation in a bar). Bars are often loud and smoky. I don't like loud noise or smoke.

What is it that's comforting to you about pubs? And how did they become such a haven for you?

Mick & Cathy said...

Yes steady weekend planned, nothing on at all.

I'm sure I'll perk up for my vacation, its probably just what I need.

I agree with you on the fact that I don't like smoke filled rooms.
As for drinking, yes I like to drink I see it as a social activity, it is a way of meeting people.
I love sports but still appreciate the fact some people don't. I also admit that a lot of sports activities have a social side that involves drink, I would argue its not always a bad thing.
For instance my golf match this week twelve of us went and as we can only go round in fours the only time we are all together is when we have a meal and drink in the bar afterwards.
I do try to control what I drink, it is only on social occasions usually sports or one off special nights (I have a retirement party this thursday). I don't drink at home and I don't have a regular routine that takes me to the pub
just for the sake.
I will admit I have drunk too much in the past and would go to the pub virtually every day, but not now.
Back to playing sports I am a totally competitve person and must do something. I am not the type of person that can go out jogging or go on the machines at the gym. I need a ball to chase or hit, I need somebody to beat thats what motivates me. Is that a bad thing ?
I also love watching anything competitive but I always must take sides. When it comes to my beloved Leeds United nothing else matters, any real fan of a sports team will tell you the same. When they are doing bad we bleed (like now) when they are doing well we get a boost that beats any drugs.

Among my other interests is meeting people and the places I meet most people are Pubs, Sports Events & Work.
To answer you question I go in Pubs for the company and to be around friends (and have conversations).

Modigliani said...

You and I have had a similar week. Right down to the sore throat!

How odd is that?

Mick & Cathy said...

If it wasn't for about 6,000 miles we could go get drunk together and forget the world.
I'm sure it will pick up for us both, I hope so.

Rachel said...

"different strokes for different folks." We all have things we enjoy that are suitable to our personalities whether it's sports, or bars, or hanging out - or none of those.

My boss drove me so insane Friday, I went next door and bought a nice Chardonnay, came back and opened it and had a nice glass of wine. It kept me from killing him. That's always a good thing.

Mick & Cathy said...

"Different Strokes for Different Folks" that about hits the nail on the head.
Should have killed your Boss and had a drink to celebrate.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I WISH I could understand what everyone else enjoys about alcohol. I feel like such a loser because I have tried and tried to develop a taste for alcohol and have this great experience everyone else gets out of a bottle of wine or a pint of beer or a mixed drink and I just. don't. get it. I get no pleasant experience out of drinking alcohol. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'll never understand and I want to. I WANT to understand.

Mick & Cathy said...

There is certainly nothing wrong with you, everyone likes different tastes. I personally can't stand Tea but thats a tradition in England and nobody believes me.

Most people don't like alcoholic drinks when they first try them, they are an acquired taste (they grow on you over time). I think certainly over here we start drinking because of the culture, it then becomes a way of life. We learn to like certain drinks and it becomes a big part of our social life.

Anyway drinks or no drinks I reckon you are a fine person and in a lot of ways admire the fact you don't drink just to conform with society (a lot of us started for this reason if we are honest).