Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I Feel Crap

At this moment in time I feel really crap, all my body aches, I have a headache, I feel sick. I don't know if its the effect of the Pills I am taking for my Elbow (read earlier posts) or whether I am coming down with somthing.

I went to training tonight and lasted a full ten minutes, I just had no energy at all. Funny thing is normally if I'm sick I lose my appetite but I could eat a scabby horse at present.

I am hoping I'm ok for tomorrows York trip and more importantly for National League this weekend. Shit it had better not be serious its starting to get close to my holiday.

I'm off to bed.


Jenny said...

So sorry you are feeling poorly--I hope it is not the pills that is upsetting you. Take it easy and get some rest!

Unknown said...

Sorry you are feeling bad. I hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe it is the medication. Take care, and rest.

Rachel said...

Hope you are feeling better. I hate not feeling good. I personally turn into a big whiney baby and think everyone should cater to me when I don't feel good. They don't but I THINK they should!

airliebird58 said...

Hope youre soon feeling better. Dont try and force yourself into doing things if youre not really up to it. Sometimes when you are ill you can 'work through it' and sometimes you can't and going to bed is the only option!

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

If you're feeling under the weather and your body is registering genuine hunger, EAT. I hope you feel better soon.

Mick & Cathy said...

Thanks, I know I can always count on your support. I have been p****d of with a few things I can't blog about lately and I think that was contributing to my feeling badly. You are all absolute diamonds.

For the record I am feeling a lot better today.