Saturday, September 02, 2006


Today I am in agony, I have a infection in my elbow joint and believe me it really hurts. I virtually can't bear to move my arm. Last night I got very little sleep due to the pain.

It is so inflamed and as swollen up with fluid, it looks like I have a red egg attached to my elbow.

I do occasionally get inflamed joints (usually ankle or knee) but this is the 2nd time in the elbow. Last time was about 3 years ago but in my other arm. This time its at least in my left arm which is usually useless anyway ( i'm totally right handed).

I have taken some anti-inflamatry tablets and hope it helps.


Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

See a doctor, you idiot (my unedited response. No offense).

Mick & Cathy said...

No offence taken. I got the tablets from the doctor. As I said in the post this does happen to me in various joints occasionally with no explanation.

Jenny said...

Yikes! How long did it take for it to get that bad? I would definitely go see someone about it!

Mick & Cathy said...

Believe it or not this came up overnight. It is actually to do with my blood count.
The pain is easing but the swelling is still there. It usually happens when I am run down, so I think its a little bit to do with playing sport while not eating many calories. I have pushed myself a lot lately.

airliebird58 said...

That looks pretty nasty! I'd book an appointment with the Doctor to be on the safe side.
If your Doctor is like mine it will be gone before you can get in to see him!
But seriously joint pain is awful. I have developed arthritis in both knees and it can really effect your life.
Hope things clear up quickly for you!

Hear me ROAR said...

Oye..shouldn't you get some antibiotics? It seems as if you might have an infection there!

Mick & Cathy said...

It is starting to ease I'm trying to get a Doctors appointment to get some anti-biotics as HMR suggests. At present I am taking anti-inflammatry only.