Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I am a idiot

Tonight I am hurting because I have upset a blog friend with one of my posts. It was the post I did last night describing my thoughts on each of you. I have decided to delete the post.

Although most of those that commented found my descriptions amusing one friend was offended and pointed this out to me.
I did this post in fun and did not think it out, I said something that was very insensitive and stupid. I can only put my hands up admit I was wrong and apologise.

I am also worried that I may have upset other bloggers (except the 4 that commented positively) with my comments but others have decided to say nothing.

For the record I have been upset about it all night, I have just attended a training session and to be honest I just wasn't concentrating, I wanted to get home and delete the post.

I am not in this to offend people, just the opposite I get pleasure out of been nice to people. I am certainly not a threat physically or any other way to anyone. I would like to think people that know me would tell you all the same.

I don't feel like blogging much after this mistake, I never wanted to hurt anyone, I am a idiot.


Unknown said...

WOW, Mick, Sorry your comments were taken the wrong way. Sometimes things don't come across well in written form. I tend to take things in Jest...but that is my personality. I don't take things too seriously and I joke around alot! sometimes I am joking with people and they think I am being serious. But other people are not like I guess that is why we have to be so careful when we comment on blogs. Things just get taken wrong sometimes. I hope you have been able to mend your friendship. Try to have a good night :)

Rachel said...

Mick, I am sorry too some folks take life so seriously they can't laugh at themselves. But honestly, I did not see anything in any of those posts that should offend anyone. You know me, if I saw something, I would have pointed it out.

You did what you felt was right after being approached - you deleted the post and apologized. That's all you can do and all you need to do.

It's easy to say don't worry but that's what I'm gonna say. A true friend (and true blogger friend) will acknowledge that you removed the post and will accept the apology. And if they don't, then maybe that is just life's way of showing you that you don't need that person in your blogging life.

Keep your chin up.

Mick & Cathy said...

Thanks for your support but I'm still beating myself up over this.
I'm a bit like you describe always saying stuff to people for a laugh and sometimes going over the edge.

What worries me is the fact I can appear intimidating to someone I've never met all through a few words just trying to be funny.

I feel sure anyone who really knows me never feels threatend by me, I know in my heart I'm not like that.

Again thanks for your support but I'm not the victim here. I said something that was intimidating to a person I have nothing but respect for, she has only shown kindness towards me.

Believe me don't critisise this lady, I know the facts and shouldn't have been such a idiot.

I know everything is out of my hands now, I have offered my apology and can only hope it is taken as genuine.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Mick, if you've communicated with the person, apologized, and have learned a bit from the experience, that's all you can do. I hope you forgive yourself soon.
And it should correctly read "I am AN idiot." :)

airliebird58 said...

Mick, dont beat yourself up about this. I did comment on the post you removed, and was going to say more than I did after reading one of the comments, but decided to mind my own business. I know, descreet for a Yorkshire woman! :)
You've apologised and removed the post that offended. Thats all you can do, and chalk it up to experience.
On a lighter note, I visited my daughter in Leeds today. As we passed Elland Road I blew a kiss, so thats that sorted then :)

Rachel said...

Still Mick, you're not 'a idiot' nor 'an idiot'. You are a person who made a mistake, took the correct steps to make amends and that's all you can do.

We have all been there. Perhaps that person(s) should think back to a time when he/she was in your shoes and forgive and move on. We'll see how mature a person they really are if they do that.

Mick & Cathy said...

I have never claimed to be good with words but it isn't my fault. The teachers were bloody useless on both the occasions I turned up at school.

Not your fault but I wish you had pointed it out maybe I could have stopped this situation (or maybe not).
Its great to pass the stadium, I'm thinking of maybe going Saturday to cheer me up. There again Birmingham arn't bad so I could end up even more miserable.
Its looking like Dennis Wise, don't you just hate him, about 40 years old and looks like a teenager. Reckon he could make a good manager though, I heard a rumour Vinnie Jones as been asked to come back as his assistant.

The person concerned is mature and has accepted my apology. She sent me an e'mail last night and it has pointed out a few things I want to think about.
I will emphasise that this was my fault, I have said things I shouldn't knowing what I did.

But I have appreciated your support, I have a few issues in my life at present and your words are important.

Hear me ROAR said...

Hey Mick! You sound just like me. I would have been upset too if I accidently offended someone. I have, and I remember being so upset.
Sometimes people write things on the computer that upsets me too. It took ME a long time to realize that the words I read always don't mean what I think they mean. And I have a VERY hard typing what I mean.. lol make sense? The words don't always say what I mean for them to say.

To me you seem like a person that wouldn't hurt someone else intentionally..

airliebird58 said...

I hope I wasn't misunderstood there Mick. Your comment about me was fine, it didnt bother me at all :)
So John Carver seems to be given a chance. Is that out of the kindness of Ken Bates heart or was it to save cash on getting a new manager in? lol

Anonymous said...


You are one of the most genuine and caring people I know, you are not the kind of bloke who would intentionaly hurt someone - unless they support Man Utd of course!!!!

I could tell on the night out last night that something was on your mind - you weren't your usual cheerful self!!!

V x

Mick & Cathy said...

Your words are really kind, Thank you.
Words and using my brain are not my strongest attributes and this has got my achilles heal. I hate to think I upset people I like.
I will add to that I wouldn't have people on my blogging list if I didn't like them.

No I realised you spotted a comment I made to somebody else, I just meant if you had told me I could have removed it before it was seen.
Obviously my skill with words is showing through again.

Thanks my friend I appreciate your nice words and confidence in me.

Last Night - Yes I did still have it on my mind but didn't think anyone would notice.
I think "The Judge" enjoyed his retirement do and I thought the meal at the China Palace was good.
Even better the special offer (£1 per pint) in the Londsborough on my round was excellent. I was expecting £30 plus and paid £11.

airliebird58 said...

Ah we have got wires crossed. I thought all your comments where fine. I was going to comment about the comment made by a person who thought one wasnt ok.
But decided it wasnt my business. Hope that clears that up :)

Jenny said...

I actually did read the post but didn't get to comment before it was removed. BTW, thanks for the very sweet comments--you are right--I can be a bit of a wild child at times!

Sorry that someone made you feel bad about what you said, since I thought all your comments were quite complimentary. As they say, you can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time... or something like that!

Chin up, Mick! I'll still keep reading and commenting!

Mick & Cathy said...

I thought you meant I had made a over the top remark about one of my bloggers, So you saw the ladies reply.
Don't think too badly about her, she has her reasons for feeling uncomfortable about my comments.
She has made me feel better by accepting my apology but we won't be communicating again.
She is actually packing in her blog and assures me this incident is not the reason.

I think both Rachel and myself spotted the wild child behind the absolutely nice to everyone person.
As Rachel said on her comment "You would be Hoot to spend a night out with". And I don't even know what Hoot means ?
Don't you ever think of stopping blogging, I'm following a storyline on your blog and I want to be reading when it reaches a happy ending.