Sunday, September 17, 2006

About Me

My blog friend Rachel this week did a post about herself, her friends and her likes/dislikes.

Anyway it as motivated me into doing one on myself. I know those that read my blog will know quite a bit about my likes and dislikes but I'm not one for secrets so here I go.

Name (most Used) - Mick
Birth Sign - Aries
Age - 48
Height - 5'9"
Weight - read my blog
Education - Secondary School then to college through work.

Car - Silver Ford Focus 1.8 zetec diesel engine.

Interests - Most Sports, Leeds United, Blogging, Travel, Meeting People, Music.
Sports still compete at - Table Tennis, Golf, Pool.
Sports played but no more - Soccer, Badmington, Cricket.
Sports tried and failed - Tennis (crap serves), Boxing (hurts too much), Skiing (also hurts too much).
Favorite All Time Sports Heros - Mohammad Ali & Rocky Marciano (Boxing), Nick Faldo (Golf),
Paula Radcliffe (Athletics), Too many to mention that have worn the white shirt with pride (soccer), Desmond Douglas (Table Tennis), Geoff Boycott (Cricket).

Foods I Like - Most Meats (certainly not a vegetarian).
Favorite Colour - White

Music Likes - virtually everthing but Rap.
Last CD listened to - The Best of the Doors.

Films - Usually Action
Actor - Clint Eastwood, Robert DeNiro, Harrison Ford (like most films with these in).
Actress - Renee Zellweger or Nicole Kidman
Last Film watched - The Deer Hunter (ok I like watching old ones from my DVD collection).

Drink - Yes (Beer only, don't do the hard stuff makes me do daft things)
Smoke - Never done
Drugs - Never done

Police record - Yes (Foolish Youth)

Most Stupid thing done - Jumped from moving train (its further down and faster than you think).

What I've bought and you haven't (I doubt) - I once paid for a set of Railway gates (the courts made me after I crashed my car through them).

Ideal Night Out - Used to be Pub tour with the lads (chat up the girls) but nowadays I prefer a meal with a nice lady followed by a few drinks and maybe on to a club.

Ideal Women :-
Hair Colour - Blonde, Black, Brunnette or Red head not bothered as long as I find them attractive.
Build - Don't like really skinny but most builds I don't have a problem with.
Kids - Some blokes won't entertain a lady if she has kids from previous, this is not a problem to me (ok I may draw the line if she has a few from different relationships).
Personality - The type of person she is, thats what really matters.

Frightened Of - Snakes (hate the things).

Things I would change about myself - Lose Weight (working on it), More hair on my head (old age I'm afraid), 20 years younger (they must invent the drug soon), Longer Pe (no we'll leave that one for now).

Who is my favorite Blog Friend - Now you didn't think I'd answer that did you (love you all).

There are loads of other things I can tell you, in fact I could go on forever and bore you stupid.
I am open to questions (on most subjects) and will tell you virtually everything about myself, so just ask.

And finally a message to Rachel its ok telling us about yourself but its about time we saw a Photo.


Modigliani said...

Quite revealing. I liked the "what I've purchased and you haven't" answer. Railway gates?! Wow! Did they let you name them after yourself? :)

Mick & Cathy said...

No they didn't and I still cringe about it everytime I cross them (only about 3 mile from where I live). This incident happend in thick Fog and I was running late (hands up it was my fault).
I also almost had to buy a road sign on a different occasion but was cleared of blame. A car pulled out directly in front of me and in avoiding it I spun off the road and straight through a road sign writing my car off. The other driver did a runner but was caught later.

Unknown said...

Hi wrb, I am hoping you are no longer feeling pissed off! It was interesting to read your post about yourself.

Mick & Cathy said...

No not pissed off today. Glad you found this interesting but there is loads more I can add.
I'm not big on secrets with me what you see is what you get, anyone that doesn't like it then tough.

Rachel said...

Well, as far as the longer's not the SIZE of the toy but the joy that it brings.

I don't know, Mick, where I got that comment from but I find it amusing and well, we all know I'll type almost anything.

I don't have a current photo, actually. If the family outing on Sat results in one, I'll see how it looks and maybe maybe put it up. I hate to hear peels of laughter, especially from across the pond.

Jenny said...

Yes, Rach-- I demand a pic!! Come on Mick--let's gang up on her!

Mick & Cathy said...

Love the saying, nice one.

And Jenny is correct we should gang up on you for the photo.

The only peels of laughter you will hear will be with you. You are a real funny larger than life character.