Friday, September 08, 2006

Failure - Last Nights Women Hunt

Ok I'm not yet giving up but last night we drew a blank. I don't think it was me but origionally two of us were going to York and we ended up with five. Of course the other three were married or had a girlfriend so were not interested in chatting up the ladies.

Basically we just had a good time and drunk a lot of Beer (I'm certain the diet suffered).

Met up in Londsbrough Arms in Selby - 1 pint

Taxi to York to find one of our favorite Pubs "YO1" has shutdown so had to go in the nearest Pub "Golden Fleece" no chance of meeting a soulmate in there all couples - 1 pint

Moved on to "O'Neills" Irish Pub again no chance full of drunks - 1 pint

Moved on to "The Parrish" Gorgeous barmaids well worth a view but out of our league - 1 pint

Gonna go to "Flares" but it was surprisingly dead so moved on. Had to call in real ale pub "The Maltings" basically because I wanted the toilet. Full of Old men (like us) - 1 pint.

Moved on to "The Varsity" full of stunning Women, problem average age about 22 years, no chance - 1 Pint.

Next stop "Harkers" again a bar full of couples - 1 pint

On to "The Roman Bath" live group on called Blue Phluid (quite good), crowd our age group, a few women but we were knackered so just sat down in front of the stage and watched the group while closing. I'm sure if we had circulated we would have scored a success (dream on) - 3 Pints.

Felt rough at work this morning (must have had a bad pint in them ten).


Anonymous said...

Your Mad

Mick & Cathy said...

Give me Mad over Boring anytime.

Unknown said...

sounds like you had a fun time, too bad the search wasnt successful. That was quite a lot of beer! Ha Ha!