Sunday, September 10, 2006

Guilty Secret revealed

Ok nothing scandelous (no such luck) but I have to admit to all my blog friends that the diet hasn't gone well this week.

1. I was ill but starving in midweek so I ate more than I should.
2. Thursday night out drank too much Beer although I was a good boy and refused getting a Burger when the rest of the boys did.
3. I have played a Table Tennis competition and ate far too much of the wrong things this weekend. I know I was going to make a effort with my eating habits when competing.
4. Tomorrow is Pool night and I will be drinking as normal.

I fear Wednesdays weigh in, I fear the worst.

I encourage everyone else and can't keep on track myself so I will put my hands up to this as I think honesty with myself is my best approach.

I know I want to keep going with this weight loss but its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel at present.

I wont be giving up though but I must find more motivation from somewhere. Sorry for letting everyone down especially considering the fantastic support you have all given me.


airliebird58 said...

Oh Mick, there's ups and downs with all things we try to do. As you may remember I'm trying to loose weight too, and have consumed my body weight in booze this weekend! You just have to get back on the 'bike' so to speak :)

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

What the hell are you talking about? You haven't let anyone down. Even if you change your mind and decide to become the fattest guy in England you won't let anyone down. Not me anyway. Even if you indulge in extra food and drink, the important thing is to keep an eye on your calorie count. That way you don't do the popular, frustrating and self-defeating, "Where did all these pounds come from? I've been so good!" With the food log you know what's going on and that's critical.

I believe the most lasting change is gradual. GRADUAL. You're just at the very beginning of learning a healthier way of eating/drinking. You get to make mistakes and get back on the program and have successes and failures for the rest of your life. I've been in the process of cleaning up my act for 13 years now and I'm certain I'll have this fitness and nutrition thing down PERFECTLY by the time I'm -- oh, 100. (Dead?)

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

And good job on passing up the hamburger when you were out with your friends. Give yourself credit for that!

Rachel said...

Just take it one day at a time. That day,you didn't do so well in your opinion. So, the next day - do better. There will be ups and downs. Don't kick yourself over them and don't look back.

It will all work out. Janet

Mick & Cathy said...

I'll be getting back on the bike.

You are correct on the fact gradual change is the way forward. I must not lose sight of my long term aims.
I was pleased with the burger decision though, I actually got in the queue before walking away. That isn't easy today after drinking beer all night.

Good advice, I do realise I will have bad day's but am determined to do this how ever long it takes.

The words of all you ladies help to inspire me.

Hear me ROAR said...

Baby steps Mick... it takes a long time to change a way of life that we are used to!! Just acknowledging that you WANT to change is a HUGE step!! Even though you don't think it, I bet you have come further then you think.

Jenny said...

Hang in there Mick--you have probably hit a plateau and those are always hard to get over and start on another downward momentum, but you can do it!

Mick & Cathy said...

I know have come a long way, you are correct.
I also know I'll have bad weeks, I've always said I wont let the weight loss stop me living.

I'll be hanging in, I wont be giving up, I'm in this for as long as it takes.