Thursday, August 16, 2007

My Life Changed Today

It looks like I'll have to think hard what I will do in my life, today at work we were called to a site meeting where it was announced we will be closing.
Although there is now a 30 day consultation process with the unions the plan is to cease production at the end of September. The site will need a small skeleton staff to stay on after that date to assist on decommisioning and making the site safe. Maybe I'll get a few months work on this maybe not we'll see. The bottom line is sometime after September I've to decide what I want to do with my life.

No need to sympathaise with me I won't be destroyed financially I'll definately get by fine but its the people with young families and large mortgages that I feel so sorry for, they can't afford this.
I should get a decent redundancy payment as I've been there a long time although it will pay me to invest a big part of this to boost my works pension.

Anyway when it happens I'm not necessary look for work straight away I'll consider a number of options :-
1. Its maybe a chance to change career I'm a bit bored with what I'm doing so this is possibility.
2. I may move to another country, probably not but its a option I'll consider.
3. I may technically retire, ok a bit early but I have a option of taking a significantly reduced pension at 50 (next March), I could cope with a life of leisure but I've a few sums to do.
4. I may just need to do part time work depending how my sums come out when I get all the info.

Looking on the positive :-
1. My Golf handicap should improve.
2. It may give me a chance to fulfill some ambitions including more travel, time off work will no longer a problem.

Anyway I've a lot to work out over the next few weeks but one thing for sure I plan to take a break to access my options.


celtic_girl said...

Well Mick,even though you don't want the sympathy, it is still a major thing to happen to you. I have been through it myself and I although happy at the time,I wasn't prepared for the "after" and the sense of loss.

Australia would be a nice place to "semi retire". lol!

Rachel said...

Well, I am glad you are prepared financially. That takes away a big burden.

I'd run the numbers and see which plan comes out with what would make you happiest and go for that!!

Meow Meow said...

I'm sorry for your bad news. I hope that you really are handling it ok. {prayer said}

On the flip side, it could be time to think God may be intervening and bringing you and J together.
*this could be a positive*

Jenny said...

Wow, that is a big change, but you seem to have the right attitude about change. I am sure whatever you decide will be the right choice for you and hopefully you can really enjoy some of that time off!

Mick & Cathy said...

Maybe I should check out Australia.

I think I'll be ok, I have a plan but need my final figures which I can't get until I have a definate finish date.

I'm handling it fine, I've just got to plan out what to do with my life.

I'll certainly have some time off before deciding what I want to do.

Anonymous said...

Mick you are not doing anything without consulting the "gang" we will all stick together on this one.The Princess will go ape if you flee the country .keep the faith Sue.x

airliebird58 said...

I'm sorry to hear about your job but glad that you will be OK financially, so you have the time to weigh your options.
It seems that enforced change is the kind that works out for the best in the end.
I wish you well in any decision you make :)

Suzy said...

Whatever you decide to do, I wish you all the luck in the World Mick.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mick,

everything happens for a reason. time to move down under! :-)

seriously, if you have the opportunity to start something new in your life, grab it with both hands, whether it's semi retirement or a completely new job, enjoy it and bask in the newness of what is about to come your way!!!

whatever you do you'll be successful, that's your nature

Mick & Cathy said...

Don't know what I'll do apart from get my money first, I'll give whatever a lot of thought, I won't rush any decisions but I've no ties so this maybe a opportunity of a lifetime.
Life is a one off chance, a live show not a rehearsal.

There is a lot to sort out yet particularly on the financial side, so I can't really decide anything yet. I can't blog too much about work but I'm sure I'll work something out, I have numerous options (I even got a job offered the other day).

Thanks its appreciated.

Don't count Aus out I'll certainly visit at some stage, I understand there is plenty of work for Electrical Engineers.
Saying that I fancy doing something different just don't know what yet, this is a opportunity.

Unknown said...

Mick sorry about your job. It will be hard to adjust but I am sure with your winning attitude you will come out on top. All the best to you in whatever decisions you make. Maybe a career change will be good for you maybe something where you can travel more as you really like to do that!

Mick & Cathy said...

To be honest I'm not going to rush into anything, I'll see what happens, not sure when I'll actually finish work some people will be staying to make the site safe so maybe I'll get a few more months.