Monday, August 27, 2007

Music Monday - The "N's"

Time for the "N's" and not a massive amount of choice I admit but I reckon I've come up with 3 classics of their own styles.

1. Nirvana "Heart Shaped Box" - This Grunge song made No5 in the UK in 1993, RIP Kurt.

2. New Order "Blue Monday" - First charted in 1983 (twice), then 84, 88 & 95, good song.

3. Willie Nelson "Always on my mind" - Not a massive hit in the UK but I reckon a country classic.


Jenny said...

Who doesn't love Willie Nelson! He is one of those iconic figures you just love to watch.

Anonymous said...

it's gotta be Willie!

Moby Dick said...

OH GOSH, who doesn't love an old bag of wind who wears Wendy's pig-tails and is about 95 years old? Surprised he isn't doing any Wendy's commercials.

Same thing for Kurt "Shotgun" Cobain. Rich guys that kill themselves don't deserve any sympathy. Rest in pieces, Kurt! You did not have the guts to deal with your problems in life, and now you have to deal with them for eternity in the ring of fire.

New Order had the best song of this bunch. The only song that was happy and bouncy and not depressing. I bet Kurt Cobain was listening to Willie Nelson when he pulled the trigger.

celtic_girl said...

I have to pick Willie

Meow Meow said...

Now I have to tell you that I am a bit boggled with these choices, as I enjoy all of the songs. It would be a toss up between Willie and New Order. Tell my my musical tastes are not eclectic!