Sunday, August 26, 2007

Boring Sunday

I'm sort of Bored this afternoon with nothing to do, ok I've got a few chores I should be doing but since lunch I've felt sort of lazy.
This morning I went for a walk into town and around the area did about 4 miles but needed the exercise to loosen myself up. I was a little stiff and aching following my training session with our British League Table Tennis squad yesterday. The training went really well I was pleased with the way I was playing just a bit of fine tuning and I'll be really sharp for the season start (I hope).
Tonight I'm out for a few beers with one of my workmates "Skid", he's actually on 2-10 but is getting an early relief so we are meeting at 8pm. Only off around town but its usually busy when its a Bank Holiday Weekend.
I'm not at work tomorrow with it been a bank holiday a really big market with visitors from all over visiting, I'll have a walk around to see if I can find a few bargains.

I've been on my computor a bit checking out things about Philadelphia & Atlanta in preparation for my upcoming trip. I don't know too much about either City but I'm finding out a few good places to visit, I must say I'm looking forward to the trip.

On a recent post I mentioned my thoughts on the wars in Iraq and Afganistan so I've added a voting poll on my side bar so you can all give your opinion.


Rachel said...

Email Moonstruck and tell her you're my bud (she's on my space) and she'll give you some Philly tips! She knows as the "J" name.

Anonymous said...

i have tattoos!

Mick & Cathy said...

Maybe I'll contact her later.

How many ?
I'll let you off though as I like you.