Monday, August 06, 2007

Music Monday - The "K's"

Well we are up to the letter "k" and there are a few interesting choices that I've left out such as Glady's Knight, Kraftwork, Billy J Kramer, Beverley Knight, Kiss, etc. I'm sure you can come up with more.

Anyway these are the three I've chosen I hope you like them :-

1. Toby Keith "High Maintenance Women" - Ok I don't know much about him as I'm not the biggest Country fan, however I do know that my good blog buddy Rachel loves him so thats good enough for me. Great video.

2. Kaiser Chiefs "I Predict a Riot" - The lads from Leeds need I say more.

3. The Kinks "Lola" - I'm a big fan of Ray Davis and this is one of my all time favorites, shit did I just say I like a song about a transvestite. It is a great song from one of the greatest English Bands ever.


Jenny said...

Gotta love the Kinks! OK, going back to my high school years, there was Kylie Minogue (I think she is still around...), Katrina and the Waves (I just love Walkin' on Sunshine) and I really like that new song Black Horse and Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall.

Meow Meow said...

Absolutely the KINKS. They were a breed of their own..and I salute Ray for it.

Sorry Rach....I know you love some Toby...I like his size and all. but the face just doesn't do it for me....AT ALL

When is you next Dress up day Sir Mick???

celtic_girl said...

The Kinks.

Anonymous said...

Lola it is for me!

airliebird58 said...

I'm going to go for the Kaisers. Leeds fan solidarity!
BTW loved the Blackadder clips. The first one where Blackadder explains how WW1 started should be in the National Curriculum! lol.

Moby Dick said...

The Kinks had lots of great songs, such as "Who'll be the next in line" and "Dedicated Follower of Fashion."