Monday, August 27, 2007

Another Day in My Life

Well as said in a previous post I went out around town for a few beers with a workmate, actually we met up with three others who used to work with us. Anyway we toured a few local hotspots it was fairly busy but not packed. To be honest I was a bit tired last night and was struggling a bit. About 11pm we went to a dance bar but to be honest I only gave it about half a hour before calling it a day, I just wasn't in the mood.

This morning I had a walk up town and around our Bank Holiday Market, never bought anything didn't see anything that caught my eye. As usual for this time of year the town was packed with "Rubber Neckers". For my troubles I ended up with a sore shin, an old lady lost control of her Electric invalid vehicle and managed to crash straight into me. It hurt like hell but she was upset and very apologetic so I just said I was ok.

This afternoon I stuck some new rubbers on my Table Tennis Bat and also I did a bit of gardening, actually trimmed a big bush but thats about all I've done today.

Tonight I'm off out again this time for a game of Pool, we are going to our local and apparently somebody from the league committee is coming down to explain some new rules to us.

Tomorrow its back to work and I'm involved ina consultation meeting about the redundancy/factory closure, its good to be involved you get a free lunch.

After work I'm hoping to get a round of Golf, two or three of us should be going. Don't know if we'll get the full 18 holes played before it comes dark, we'll see probably depends how many people are on the course.

Hope you are all well.


Anonymous said...

nothing worse than being out and not in the mood. have been there before!

hope the shin is ok.

not long til your trip! i'm just sorting all my USA pics now, finally after how many months...

best get back to work, have a great day

Moby Dick said...

You should have knocked over her cart and ran off with her bags--Clockwork Orange moment.

Rachel said...

Whoa - that's alot of out and abouting! Hope you enjoy it and hope the meeting goes okay. It's always nice to have a free lunch, even if it involves work!

Meow Meow said...

Glad to haer about your new rubbers!!! Put them to good use.

A free lunch is rarely a bad thing. I hope it was yummy!!

Your trip is approaching, and you may find the LOVE of your life with J.... I am hopeful for the both of you!!!!!!!!!!!

Moby Dick said...

Noticed your poll about the war. Afghanistan is the "hotbed" of insurgency.

This year they also recorded a record Opium Crop. So much for the benefits of having 25,000 troops there patrolling for democracy!

Mick & Cathy said...

The shin is still a bit sore.
As for the US trip it is getting close and I can't wait.

The way my shin felt she would have caught me.

If I don't have a lot going on I get bored real easy. Free Lunch was good.

I'll try out the new rubbers tomorrow sometimes its hard with new one's.
All I'll say is I'm really looking forward to meeting "J" she is a person I like a lot. Wish you would rethink we both want you to join us.

Its a good point about the Opium crop but its part of our policy to allow this. I watched a TV documentary on the subject and the theory is that if we stopped it we would remove the farmers only source of income which would push a lot of the into joining the Taliban and Al Queada.
The idea is to slowley move them away from this and grow other produce. In the past the opium crop was used to support the terrorist regime and it is now used to improve the standard of living of the locals.
I am quite anti drugs and at first I didn't agree with our policy but after seeing the documentary it made a lot of sense.

TitanThirteen said...

Hey, Remember me? lol
Who's making up new pool rules? That sucks!
What kinda garden do you have? I wanna see pics now lol

Unknown said...

OH sorry about that lady hitting you! Hope things are working out for you at work. That has to be stressful for you.

celtic_girl said...

Nothing like changing rubbers and trimming bushes!!! ha ha ha

Mick & Cathy said...

Apparently we are changing from "English Pool Rules" to "World Pool Rules".

Lady hitting me these things happen I'm ok thats the main thing.
Work situation is still in a consultation situation anything could happen yet, just hope I don't get mugged but can't say more.

Yes but not the sort of fun normally associated with them activities.