Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Turning back the mists of Time

I've been giving a lot of thought to getting old lately and of course take comfort from sayings such as "You are as Old as you feel". Well maybe that sounds good and positive but what is the truth about how you feel ?

Next year I'll turn 50 years old, yes half a century and in a lot of peoples eyes that is quite old. Its a milestone as was 40, 30, 21 etc. I've been giving this a bit of thought and can't deny all the evidence points towards the symptoms of ageing.

So what are the symptoms :-

Eyes - Over the last threee years I've had to start wearing glasses for reading but how many my age don't ?

Hair Loss - Well mine started to fall out early (about 30) so I've got over worrying about it, if it bothers others tough I just keep the rest short and at least that is acceptable in todays fasions.
Talking hair yes tints of grey are appearing.

Aches & Pains - Yes the joints seem to hurt more following exercise and the muscles take longer to recover. I've actually started taking Cod Liver Oil for my joints.

Injuries - Yes I definately seem to have had a few in recent years, never really been bothered before.

Weight Loss - It certainly gets harder, but no surrender on this front (I don't think my holiday has been too kind).
I've not neglected Wednesdays Weigh in I'm switching it to Fridays.

Slowing Down - So they tell us although I don't think we realise this is happening to us.

I'm sure everyone can come up with more symptoms of ageing (yes you can get Viagara for that before Rachel mentions it).

Anyway my point is I've always been competitive at Sports particularly Table Tennis which I still play at a good competitive level (National League, County, etc). However some of the major competitions its hard to judge if you are declinning because the players & standards change by the season. However the Local leagues (York in my Case) are a good measure and I've been looking up my results over the last few seasons and they certainly show a downward spirral.

My Averages in recent seasons are as follows :-

2000/1 - 92.5% (37 wins 3 defeats)

2001/2 - 95.43% (46 wins 2 defeats)

2002/3 - 92.31% (60 wins 5 defeats)

2003/4 - 93.22% (54 wins 4 defeats)

2004/5 - 84%est (not got full results ?)

2005/6 - 78.2% (40 wins 11 defeats)

2006/7 - 71.79% (28 wins 11 defeats)

This trend concerns me a lot it certainly suggests my performance level is falling although not excuses some of the results can be explained, the last two years the size of the division has been cut so the weaker teams play 2nd division and we now play all other teams 3 times instead of twice. Hence a few easier victories have been replaced by playing the better players more often.

In 2001 I would say only about 50% of the division were younger than me but with the emergence of more players I'm now one of the oldest in the top division. I don't use this as an excuse though I believe I can still beat everyone on the day but I need to prove it.

I'm quite paranoid about this because I'm not the type of person that likes losing, I need to prove to myself I can still win 90% of my games and there is life in the "Old Dog" yet. From this point I'm upping my training this summer (season starts late September) it may hurt at times but I need to do this or I may just go buy a Rocking Chair and Pipe.

I'll be blogging occasionally on my progress, my aches, my confidence and hopfully some of my Blog Friends can come up with words of encouragement when I need them most. I've organised someone to train with tonight called Nathan he's one of our up and coming players (18 years old), hits the ball very hard and is really dedicated and prepared to train hard. I'll be training with him every Wednesday plus some others and maybe weekends as well. Next week I'm adding Thursday but with another player called Richard who's one of the area's top players aged 20 and home from University for the summer. He is really strong against defensive players (did I mention I'm a defender) so really makes me work hard to stay in rallies.

But I'll finish with a Question - Looking at the facts what percentage wins do you believe a reasonable target for me next season (be honest) ?


Meow Meow said...

You rtraining sessions sound as if they will be fun for both of you. Yeah! It is always such a blessing if we can find something we enjoy that takes us away from everyday life and Bullshit tat seems to plague us all.

The age part I do understand. I turn 37 next month and well...I ask myself what have I got to show for it? Who do I have to spend it with? How bad my body looks and what motivation or magic pill I need to feel about me again. It can take a toll both mentally and physically.

I try to pick out at least one thing that makes my life better or one thing that I am grateful for each tends to help.

Jenny said...

While I am only in my 30s, I can understand your concerns with not being able to do the things you love as well as you used to years back. However, I have found that if I focus less on how well I do things and more on how I still enjoy just doing them. If you still love to play table tennis, then play it as long as you love it.

Rachel said...

Hey now! Cialis is supposed to be better (hahahahahaha).

You can always follow my (late) mother's blueprint: "Always have friends that are older and fatter than you are. That way, you are always the youngest and the thinnest."

airliebird58 said...

Well as you know I'm 50 next year as well. Ok I'm fat, my knees are shot and I get tired all the time, but I like being my age. Why? Because as I've gotten older I'm less bothered what people think of me. Of course I want to be liked, but it doesn't bother me as much as when I was younger. What is really important comes into sharper focus.
Now this inst a criticism Mick, but you do like your targets don't you? Why don't you just start taking one game at a time, that shouldn't change any competitiveness really.
Mind you, I'm one of the most uncompetitive people you would ever meet! (Lazy in other words!)

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I'm so glad to hear from arliebird58. She's totally right: as we get older we can be freer of concern about what others think of us. That's one of the biggest benefits of getting older and I've already begun to experience it. I think age can bring confidence, clearer priorities, a better sense of what you want out of life and what isn't worth your time (anymore). Yay, age!

Mick & Cathy said...

I've always enjoyed training sessions but in the lead up to next season I feel more motivated than I have for a few years so am hoping to do well. I've arranged another one for this coming Sunday.

As for yourself you have achieved been a really nice caring person in my opinion.

Its a good point you make but I don't think I'll ever be able to lose my determination to do well, whether my body lets me is a different matter. Don't get me wrong win or lose I still enjoy playing.

Your mothers statement is so true but the trouble is playing sport my tendancy is to be around younger slimmer people, it keeps me young.
Saying that I've friends covering all ages including much older.

You are bang on and I don't take it as criticism I've always been more motivated with targets, can't explain why its just how I am.
I also agree with what you say about getting older makes you care less about what others think.

Mick & Cathy said...

Sorry missed your comment I think you posted when I was replying to the others and yes as I say to Airliebird it is so true that we worry much less about others think of us.
Its just a pity we didn't realise this when we were much youger.

Suzy said...

Oh Mick, you sound like my DH. He is always comparing his running stats to his past times and places. He too is very competitive. The main thing is don't compare yourself to younger people. Have a look around at those your own age and you will find that a lot of them are not as fit and motivated as you are. Take pride in the fact that you may be getting older but you are keeping an eye on your weight and your fitness level and you are enjoying life at the same time. ;-)

Mick & Cathy said...

Its a good point you make and my record is good against people my own age group. In Local competition I can't think of the last time I've lost to somebody older than me, so I suppose thats good.
However I will have a better average this coming season I am convinced, I'll be at my best for a few seasons, I just feel I've found a new level of determination.