Sunday, July 08, 2007

Last Day

Today is my last day of my vacation and I seem to have been away ages, I'm really quite tired so just intend to have a relaxing day ready for my long trip home. I'm actually not flying direct to England from Chicago but have to go via Boston where I have a 6 hour stop over, I'm not looking forward to that.

I've been involved sort of with my first emergency situation in the US. I was walking back to my hotel about midnight on Thursday night when a bloke collapsed in the street about 50 yards in front of me. Just before I got there another bloke arrived and we tried to revive him, he was breathing but out cold. The other chap who I think was a doorman from a hotel phoned for an ambulance but before it arrived a Police car drove by so I waved it down and they came to assist. The thing that shocked me was the number of people who just walked by without offering to help.
Anyway the Police took over so I moved on so don't know what happend after that.

Talking coincidence the following night I was walking back and passed some steps where a girl was been comforted and they where waiting for an ambulance. Looked like she had slipped on the steps and was been comforted by her boyfriend and a couple of other people.

I've even had a accident myself I was walking around my hotel room in bare feet getting ready to go out when I accidently kicked a table leg with my little toe, It didn't half hurt and it actually bled from under the nail. It seems ok now but I thought I'd broke my toe at first.

Enough of accidents I've seen some great music here in Chicago and also ate a lot of fantastic food there seems more than ever great places to eat. I had a massive lump of steak the other night but to be honest although nice it wasn't cooked enough for my liking. I asked for medium but it was definatelf undercooked in fact I reckon a good Vet could have got it walking again.

I've met some great people and talking of great Women I can actually say I've seen a perfect 10 and got a photo to prove it. Yep Nadia Commanech the Romanian gymnast who scored the perfect score in the 1986 Olympics (I think) was at the Taste of Chicago giving out autographs. Apparently Chicago is bidding for the 2016 Oympics and she is on their organising committee.

Anyway thats enough for now I hope everyone is well and I'll catch up with all of your blogs when I get home.


Meow Meow said...

I am sorry to read of your bad accidents. At least you were a knd enough fella to stop and get help by waving the police. I hope they guys is going to be alright.

So you've found your dream lady. Ya see what the states can offer you! You must come back and get SOUTHERN hospitality.

Sorry about the steak. Chicago is know for their pizza so I hope you got some it and enjoyed the rich cheeses and thick crusts???

Safe journeys.

celtic_girl said...

LOL at the vet comment. I always ask for it "dead", I hate raw meat.

Well they say things happen in three's so you have had your 3 accident type things. It is a sad thing when people ignore others i need of help.

Have a good trip home

Jenny said...

That is so cool that you got a little celebrity sighting in while on your trip. I know what you mean about people not stopping for accidents. It is so sad that folks are more in a hurry to get to wherever they are going than to look out for someone's wellbeing. Have a safe trip and enjoy some rest!

ArleneWKW said...

It's good that a couple people, including yourself, stopped. When I hear of no one stopping, I'm disheartened. I'd imagine that some of the passersby would have stopped if you and the other man were not already helping the guy out. They probably thought the problem was being dealt with. Of course if this guy collapsed several minutes before you and the other man came, what I just wrote is completely off base.

One of these days, I've got to get myself to Chicago. It sounds like a fun place.

I like reading your descriptions of
"chaps" and "blokes." It's fun to hear the British lingo.

Anonymous said...

i have been reading your fabulous tales and i must admit did almost laugh
out loud when you told of your "accident" involving your little toe. i have
done that myself, it was excruciating!

sounds like you've had a fab trip and i can't wait to see some pics, in
particular of Nadia! i loved her story, i watched it when i was a girl...
ahhh memories!

i hope your flight wasn't too painful but look forward to more tales on
your return.

take care