Monday, July 16, 2007

Music Monday - The "H's"

Today we are up to the letter "H" and I think I've found three classic hits for your ears all of them reached the top spot in the UK. Ok I've left out some great acts including Jimmy Hendrix, Hot Chocolate, George Harrison, Hermans Hermits, Buddy Holly etc.

I've even left out Benny Hills "Ernie" and Rolf Harris "Two Little Boys".

1. Human League "Don't You Want Me" - Made No1 in 1981 for this group from Sheffield in Yorkshire of course.

2. Hollies "He ain't Heavy( He's my brother)" - Made No1 in the UK chart in 1988 but on its origional release in 1969 it actually reached No3.

3. Whitney Houston "I will always love you" - Our final top hit reached No1 in 1992, I'm sure you will have heard it somewhere.


Rachel said...

Oh my gosh, I HATE that song "He ain't heavy"...Neil Diamond did it (didn't he? I don't know, I am bad with names and I hate to wear shoes!)..the Osmonds did it...EVERYBODY did it. Just thought I'd share that opinion with you for what it is worth (it and a $1.25 will get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds!)

Meow Meow said...

ABSOLUTELY the HUMAN LEAGUE. I always liked their stuff.

As you know...British boys do have some talent...Ok ok some of the girls as well.

I thought of you as "SPICE" Beckham is moving to the staes to be with her hubby and will have her own tv show. As if we all don't have ENOUGH bad spice over hear already. Sorry was never a fan of those ladies.

ArleneWKW said...

I'll check the music tomorrow. It will be good background to some paperwork need to get done. Good on you that your vacation gain was less then expected. Three weeks is a long time to put on the lbs.

celtic_girl said...

I'm a bit late, but it's good to have you back Mick.

I'm really disappointed you didn't include "Ernie" I'm a huge Benny Hill fan. I'll have to choose the Human League.

Moby Dick said...

He Ain't Heavy is a weird song, especailly 30 years later when the old 1960s slang-jive is obsolete beyond imagination.

Human League is the best of the bunch. Definitely a poor showing for the Letter H. No doubt the Cookie Monster and Elmo would be upset to see this.

Whitney of course spawned the popular "Bobbi Brown Beatdown" which was all the craze in trailer parks and housing projects back in the late 1990s.

Moby Dick said...
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