Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday Weigh in - Only a Draw

2007 Start Weight - 219lbs

Last Weeks Weight - 216lb

Todays Actual Weight - 216lb

Loss/Gain this week - 0lb

Loss so far in 2007 - 3lb

Today's Target Weight - 216lb

Loss/Gain against Target - 0lb

I'm a little dissapointed because I haven't lost any weight this week but at the same time I can be pleased not to have gained. 216lb this week is also bang on target in my year long plan so I suppose its ok, but its nice to be in front.

I think I've done ok with the food intake and the reson I've not lost weight is because I've done less exercise due to my current aches & pains (Gout, Tennis elbow, etc.). No excuse though if I'm not exercising I need to eat less so I'll have to sort that out. I do hope to get back into some sort of exercise regime asap.

When it comes to health I had a bit of good news today, it was my annual medical check up at work and I came through well. On the respiratary tests the machine told me I have the lung capacity of a 43 year old which isn't bad considering I'm 48 (and overweight). Last time I did this particular test was two years ago and surprisingly at 46 years old I had the lungs of a 46 year old. I give credit to my weight loss so far for the improvement and if I can stay on plan I'll be even younger next year (perhaps one day I'll be under 40 again).


Rachel said...

Sounds like you're doing good, Mick! I say no gain is better than nothing. I have been lazy about those last few Christmas pounds but I have been using my exerciser I just go so maybe that will help?!

Oral said...

Can't we all hope for a 25 yr old in body and physical shape???

Be proud of the 3 pounds. Each one can make a big difference.

Moby Dick said...

All you need for your next exam is a cute female doctor who thinks you look like a twenty year old stud. Keep losing weight and working out and IT COULD HAPPEN!

TitanThirteen said...

I should do one of those tests. I know my lungs are stuffed. I can't even blow up a balloon! [Not that i'd want to]

Good on you for not gaining weight even though you weren't exercising as much!

airliebird58 said...

Keep plugging away Mick, you're doing MILES better than I am! i'm off the wagon again lol.

Mick & Cathy said...

You'll soon lose them few pounds, not that you really need to.

Hope I think is the key word.

I don't think I'd like a blind doctor for some of the other tests.

I need to get the exercise going though.

Same answer I gave Rachel.