Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I've been Thinking

Yes I know the fact I've been thinking is maybe a bit scary cos I'm likely to come up with something stupid.
So what have I been thinking, well its really what to do with the rest of my life especially when I finish work.
I've been thinking what should I do workwise and to be honest I just don't know, I feel like a total change in career direction would be quite motivating. The trouble is I don't know which direction to turn. I'm also thinking about the possibility of only doing part time work not necessarily less hours per week but only sort of working 6 months or so per year. But as I say I'm struggling to make decisions, I really need to know when I actually will finish (its still unclear).
I have seen what redundancy payments will be and also seen my works pension details. These were based on finishing at the end of November but I will possibly be there after that date so they can only be better, plus I'll earn more money in the meantime which could be Useful.
My Pension is based on claiming it at 60 but it can be taken earlier with penalties (-6% compound interest per year). Obviously I've a few sums to do to see what would best suit me, depends on how much work I do.

Another thing I've been considering is a December Vacation but I've not booked anything, again Work is dominating my decision. If I'm going to finish in the next few months I'd be better saving my holidays and cashing them in. However if I'm going to be working longer then I want a vacation, I just need a decision.

The other day I did a short "Interview Techniques" course and one of the things they asked us to do was name our own strengths and weaknesses. Obviously that was with respect to our jobs but it led me to think what are my strengths & weaknesses as a person. Its not easy but I came up with the following :-
Strengths -
Honesty (I pride myself on this)
Loyalty (If your a friend I'll do anything for you but don't be a enemy).
Reliability (what I say I do)

Weakness -
Emotions (My emotions can get the better and I take things to heart)
Temper (I have a short fuse sometimes but bark is louder than my bite, I just say things I regret if someone winds me up)
Sulking (I like getting my own way)

There is other subjects I've been giving a lot of thought to in fact I feel my life is at a crossroads and I'm making a few decisions about which direction I should go. Hell its not a rehearsal its just one chance a life you just gotta do what you think is right at the time.


airliebird58 said...

Decisions, Decisions eh? Try not to ponder too much about things, life tends to fall into place mostly on it's own eventually. :)

Anonymous said...

ahhh Mick, crossroads, there have been times in my life when i have been in crossroads that confused the hell out of me. in the end i just jumped, i always knew i'd land somewhere and even if it was on my arse there would be someone to pick me up again.

you're so right, it's not a rehearsal, one chance is all you get to make your mark in whatever way you want.

as for strengths and weaknesses, that's interesting.

i'd say my strengths are loyalty, honesty (at times brutal) and empathy

weaknesses are my temper, i can be a little unforgiving - don't cross me, and other than that i'm pretty much perfect! LOL just kidding.

it's food for thought.

listen to your gut on this one Mick, it is pretty much always right!

take care

Joel said...

yes you have found yourself at a crossroads havent you? It's certainly a scary and nervous time but with your pension/redundancy payments you're in the unique position of having a limitless amount of options... that's exciting!

I too have thought about the working half a year thing and what always scares me is the idea of trying to find an employeer willing to accept the fact that you're going to be gone for 6 months at a time... no easy task... but not impossible.

Mick & Cathy said...

Its funny how things always work out on theor own, I hope so.

I've had one or two crossroad times just gotta go in the direction you believe, never have regrets though.

With my job I may get a few short term contracts but I'm still considering doing something different.

Moby Dick said...

I think you should come to America and become a Forest Ranger and live in a log cabin.