Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fed Up

Today at work I managed to have a little accident where I ended up slashing open the back of my trouser leg and also cutting myself, I won't go into details its a long story but I wasn't laughing but couldn't blame anyone but myself.
The good thing about it was I got a free pair of jeans from the stores, didn't know they stocked them, they seem ok for work. Wouldn't go out in them though.

I still haven't shaken my cold off, just can't seem to get rid of it. I've been feeling really crappy and my chest is a little tight. It keeps giving signs of clearing up then seems to go back to step one. Hopfully it'll soon clear though.

Reading everyones blogs tonight I noticed Rebecca commented on the fact that there seem less comments of late. Its a thing I've noticed that a lot of bloggers are not only doing less comments but are not posting so much on their own blogs. I've been thinking maybe doing a few random blog searches to try attract a few new friends with comments on blogs I like (I did this a bit when I started).

However after giving it a lot of thought and looking down the list of blog friends I decided I was happy with the people on my friends list, there is a good selection of people all with different outlooks. I can blog on different subjects with different people and to me you all seem like people I can trust and could get on with if we lived close by. Saying that its not a closed shop and I'd always be happy for anyone else to join in with comments, I always try to return comments to others blogs.

Finally as you can imagine work is quite depressing at present with people leaving, I think at the end of this week there will be less than forty people on site. We still don't know for sure whether the take over will be succesfull or we are shutting. Not knowing seems worse than either way so much indecision, some people don't know whether to look for other jobs or not. Me I'm just staying put until they stop paying me, I don't think I'm going to look for work straight away may have some time out.

With all the indecision and not knowing if or when I'll finish I'm undecided whether to have a short vacation in december, I have been checking out a few deals and there is a few good offers about. Four Cities I've never visited that I can get a decent deal at present are San Diego, Austin, Phoenix & New Orleans. Others that Ive been to that I can get a good flight/hotel price include San Francisco & Chicago but believe it or not the best price of the lot is to Atlanta, sods law I've just been there.

Opinions please if I do decide to go somewhere which of the above Cities do you reckon would be best to visit (7 days) in mid December ? Obviosly some of these prices change by the day so that may influence any decision I make.


ArleneWKW said...

I'm sorry you're in such a rough spot with your cold and work mishap adding to it all. When troubles come they sometimes seem to invite their friends. I don't have any suggestions re. travel. I'd just like to friggin get away.

Suzy said...

Ouch! Accidents are nasty. Hope your leg is OK.

I haven't been blogging or commenting much lately. I guess we all have busy times. It is nice to check up on our old friends though and I agree with you, I am happy with my little blogging circle.
Your work situation must be driving you nuts! Hope it is sorted out soon for you.

Anonymous said...

i hope you're ok! you're poor leg and a cold on top of it. i'm sending good vibes your way!!!

as for another vacation, it has to be New Orleans, never been there myself but have longed to go since i was about 11 years old. definately do it and send me a postcard :-)

as for bloggers, i agree, comments have dropped off lately but i'm always happy when i see my faithfuls popping over to read and have their say. and i like you, don't mind new readers but am very happy with my list!

take care handsome!

Meow Meow said...

Sorry about your dangerous situation at work. I hope your leg and you heal quite well and quickly!

I like my circle of bloggers just feeling a bit lonely I suppose.

You know my heart is in New Orleans...but not sure that Christmas is the best time....I to see the best time for music.
The weather will be be good compared to the sweltering summer heat.... is another site to check out...

I would like to see Austin personally. My college roommate moved there a few years ago and has enjoyed it. She is a bit tied down with 3 kids...but likes the city.

celtic_girl said...

Sorry abut your leg and not feeling great.

I have also noticed less comments, I know I have been guilty also for not leaving comments as I usually read the blogs on the run and say I'll come back and post a reply but when I do I'm about 3 posts behind and I think it's to late.

Unknown said...

Hey Mick, sorry about your accident and your cold. Hope you are feeling better soon. I know it is a hard time for you at work right now. I am sure there are better days ahead for you! I really am not commenting as much right now. I think it is because of school, homework, and things like that are keeping me very busy. Well that being said, I am happy with my blog friends too...even when they don't have time to comment! take care :)

airliebird58 said...

Hi Mick, hope you and your leg are feeling a better. I've been neglecting stuff a bit as my online time has been spent keeping in touch with my daughter, Shell. She has been in Japan just over a week now. To be honest I've been under a bit of a cloud, I'm missing her quite a bit and a year seems such a long time away. I dunno, youd think she was about 10 yrs old wouldnt you?! :)

Joel said...

I'm still reading, I just don't always comment...

and you may find some irony in the fact that I just read about your work place accident here at my work... Part of my job of course is conducting safety inspections and writing up accident reports!

If I worked at your plant I would be [a] sending out resumes since, sadly, your plant is closing. And [b] writing up a report on why you tore your trousers and in the process cut your leg.

Moby Dick said...

Hope your leg is alright.

For December, try New York? Miami, Las Vegas? Atlantic City?

Mick & Cathy said...

Thanks everyone for the great response to this post, to answer you all my leg is fine & the cold seems a touch better.

As for vacation I'm listening to Rebbecca about New Orleans and I'll try make at least one weekend of the NO Jazz Fest next year.

Nice to hear your still reading the blogs, keep stopping by.

Iron Man,
Welcome & thanks for the suggestions, Vegas is one I've considered but fancy doing that with a few mates. Done New York and its too expensive, Miami I see more of a family type vacation, now Atlantic City thats one to consider, reckon it could be fun.
Keep stopping by.

Jenny said...

I hope you weren't injured too badly! I know what you mean about blogging comes and goes in waves. I think as people go through different times in their lives they will blog and comment more or less. I am glad you have a good group of blog buddies--we think you are pretty special!

As for a trip in December, I would recommend San Diego. I have never been but my parents really liked it and you can't beat their weather!

TitanThirteen said...

The work situation sounds really sucky! :o(

In regards to the destination choices. Why limit yourself to the US? There's soooo many worlds within worlds on this great planet of ours! :o)

I've been slack with blogging lately. I try to add a post every second day. And i try to visit my listed blogs at least once a week. I've over commited myself to doing lots of comunity type jobs at the moment. And i'm getting quite time retarded :o(
But i'm still here :o)

Maybe you need anti - biotics?
Just some pity? Poor snooky poos :o/ Big Hugs!

Mick & Cathy said...

I think you are correct about bloggers.
San Diego is a place I'm considering seriously, I actually missed a real good deal last week due to my indecision. I'm watching the prices they change daily and could drop again.

I know I seem to be limiting myself to the US, I origionally planned to do North America for two years but there are still a few Cities I want to visit.
However I will eventually visit Australia probably following my redundancy.