Sunday, December 17, 2006

SF update - I reckon I'm getting Old

These hills in San Francisco are a nightmare they just burn your lungs on the way up and kill your legs on the way down. I am getting so tired it must be old age.

The Party last night was a good bit of fun for a few hours but wrapped up a bit early for my liking. At least there was loads of great food put on and I tried stuff that I havn't a clue what it was. Anyway when it was all over (and the Champagne gone) I wandered down to the local Pub to finish the night off.

Today I've took it fairly easy just wandered arounf Fisgermans Wharf this morning and got a bite of Lunch. This afternoon went around a few shops and bought the usual a couple of souvenior tee shirts and some CD's.

Just been at the Hotels Wine & Cheese evening and going to check out another Blues Club now. I'll be having Steak to eat tonight.


Meow Meow said... seem to be having a Well Rounded bit of adventure. The long walks up and down hills are working your Cheese and Champagne parties off...

Have you found the music to your liking?

What about the people? I have always had a snobby impression of most California people. Am I wrong?

Mick & Cathy said...

The music has been good so far but I have a very wide ranging taste so can be easy to please.

To be fair I haven't actually mixed with too many Californians, mainly other people visiting the City (quite a few Canadians).
Saying that the locals seem ok.