Thursday, December 14, 2006

1st Day in SF

This morning although it was raining I had a walk around the area in the vicinity of my Hotel and checked out a few shops in the Union Square area.

At Lunch I met Blog friend Arlene and we ate at a restaurant called "Daily Grill" which was really nice. It was good to meet another blogger and we talked a while about a number of subjects including Blog Friends. Now I feel a little bit embarrased as Arlene insisted on paying for the meal so I will have to put that in my memory bank for if we meet again. Arlene is exactly what she appears on her blog a really nice friendly person and it would be good to meet again in the future.

The rain stopped after lunch so I caught a streetcar to Fishermans Wharf, we almost got there when a lorry pulled out in front of us and the driver had to hit the Emergency stop. Apparently when they do this the cars cannot be started again and are towed back to the depot. so we all had to get off. The guard said we could walk as it is only five blocks or alternately wait until they get the track going again but it may be a while.

Now let me explain San Francisco is supposedly on a hill but this is more like a mountain, it was downhill to Fishermans wharf and uphill back to the town centre. There was a streetcar on its way up the hill so I caught that back to town. My theory if they don't get the car blocking the down track going nothing can get to Fishermans wharf to come back and I didn't fancy the uphill bit (believe me it is steep). I will add my ankle is still a bit sore.

Eventually I made my way back to my Hotel for the free Wine and Cheese hour which we have just done. I got talking to a few people and made a couple of friends.

Just on my way to get showered and changed and tonight I'm not planning on going far. There is a Pub called "White Horse Tavern" a couple of blocks away. I'm still a bit tired from my journey so I'm not planning on staying out too late, but who knows ?

Tomorrow I'm planning on making it to Fishermans wharf and hopfully catch the ferry to Alcatraz. I'll have to see how it compares with British Prisons. Before anyone asks no I have not stayed overnight in one but I have been in one as a visitor.


Rachel said...

How cool is it that you got to meet Arlene?! Don't know her but I've ready her comments and her posts sometimes. Hey - gotta bring back pics too, my friend.

How is your gout? I hope it is better.

Meow Meow said...

It's cool you were able to meet up with another blog buddy. I hope things on your PRISON out for you.

Where are your pics???? You haven't posted any....

How is the climate? What is the Temp like after the rain shower???

RedNeckGirl said...

Glad you made it safe and are having a good time! It's really great that you got to meet a blogger friend. Have fun and becareful on those "hills" lol!
Love and Hugs!

Mick & Cathy said...

Yeh it was nice to meet another Blog friend. I did drob a blob and forgot to take photo's of the meeting.
The Gout is still there and hurts most late in the day which is restricting the exploring I've been doing.

I was surprised they let me out of the Prison.
I'll be posting the Pics (censored version) when I get home.
I reckon the temp is around 13c apparently it rarely reaches freezing here.

I'll be careful as always.