Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas in England

Just a few interesting facts about Christmas in my country that I read in the newspaper :-

1. Apparently we are the only country in the World that eats Christmas Pudding. The rest of you are missing out here.

2. 7 out of 10 Dogs get presents from their owners, many actually wrap the present (I expect Jenny & Vanessa to be honest here).

3. The average person consumes 14 Brussel Sprouts over the Christmas period.

4. There was only 7 white christmasses in the 20th century (the last one was in 1984).

5. 85% of 4 year olds believe in Santa (15% are clever little shits).

6. 1841 was the first year Christmas trees were introduced.

7. 25% of Christmas shopping time is spent in queues.

8. 220% is the increase in Church attendance.

9. £262 is the average amount people spend on gifts for their children.

10. 3 million tonnes of rubbish will be produced at Christmas.


airliebird58 said...

Well I'm not getting my cats anything for Xmas as they eat most of the Chicken! :)(and they like the discarded wrapping paper better anyway)

Unknown said...

those are some interesting statistics mick. I usually get my pets (2 dogs 1 cat 1 fish) some sort of treat. The fish won't get anything! LOL.

Jenny said...

OK, I will admit that I do buy gifts for Sneakers. She actually has a stocking that I fill with treats and toys. And yes, there is one gift that didn't fit in the stocking so I wrapped it. There, are you happy! ;-)

262 pounds seems like an awful lot to spend on kids for Xmas... I guess I will find out next year!

TitanThirteen said...

Australians and New Zealanders eat Christmas pudding. What's wrong with that statistic guy???

No-one in their right mind eats brussell sprouts, that's just wrong! lol

And the Christmas tree was "invented" looooong before 1841. The tree tradition has been shown to have come from Egypt to honour Ra the sun God. The tree has to be the newest [whatever the tree was]representing life in Ra, and the tree points to him and the baubles represent Ra himself. Most christians would be horrified to know that huh?? lol

Mick & Cathy said...

If you wrapped presents for your cats they would enjoy unwrapping them.

Just have to make sure the Cat doesn't get the Fish.

I'd a feeling you would.

Start saving that £262 (about $524).

The facts where out the newspaper, The Christmas Pud thing maybe because most Aussies & Kiwi's are of British heritage.

The Tree date was when it was first introduced to England.

I like Sprouts.

Rachel said...

Do NOT count me as one of those that eat the yucky brussel sprouts!

I don't about your version of Christmas pudding but we make one with cheddar cheese, bread, eggs and butter and then you bake it. It is to die for! (And probably clogs enough arteries that one day I just might?!)

Merry Christmas, Mick!