Thursday, April 05, 2007


I've not much time for blogging tonight but reckon I should mention the 15 Royal Marines & Sailors taken hostage by the Iranians as a publicity stunt are now back at their base in England.


TitanThirteen said...


Rachel said...

I think that is so awesome!!! WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!

celtic_girl said...

Great to hear.

Jenny said...

i am so glad to hear that they were returned safely and I can't believe the crap that Iran made them go through on TV as if anyone believes that they were so nice and generous to them. I sure don't believe it!

Mick & Cathy said...

seven of them have just given a press conference on British TV and apparently for a number of days they were kept in solitary and blindfold.
They also lined them against a wall blindfold while cocking guns making them have the feeling of a firing squad.
The one female prisoner was kept seperate most of the time, they also told her the others had been released making her think she was the only prisoner.