Friday, June 29, 2007


Hello my friends just a quick update to let you know I'm still kicking. There is no internet in the hotel and I've just not been able to find anywhere to get on line until now.

Boston is a nice City with plenty of touristy things to visit, quite a bit of history. I've visited most of the attractions and have plenty of photos to post.

The weather has been too hot for me (high nineties) for the last few days and I'm knackered. However it as cooled today to a more sensible temp in the 70's. To be honest I was tired from the first night it took about 3 days for my body to adjust to the 5 hour difference, first time I've struggled travelling to the states. On a night I was really tired yet waking up at about 5am just couldn't help it.

The City and people have been great and I reckon its one of the few cities I've visited that feels really safe which is good. Ok I did have a little incident last night when leaving a Pub. Three blokes where stood blocking the exit so I politely said "excuse me old cock" as Yorkshiremen do and one of the blokes thought I was been abusive. I wasn't that is just what we say in Yorkshire but it quickly blew over he was just a bit stroppy the moron.

Anyway I hope you are all well,


Moby Dick said...

This is America. Watch out that you aren't stabbed or shot at a pub, I would miss your blog.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

"Excuse me, old COCK?" I hope you don't use that phrase much in the U.S. At best, it sounds very strange.

airliebird58 said...

Hiya, glad to hear you're having a good time. Sometimes I realise how different we are in Hull, how we speak especially. Although we're in Yorkshire, you never hear phrases like that here. Its usually 'Chief' or 'Boss' that men say to each other. Women of course say 'luv' which is found all over the north I think. Being a barmaid, I get called 'flower' and 'sweetheart' a lot. I know some women wouldn't like that, but it doesn't bother me lol.

Unknown said...

Glad you are well, looking forwards to your photos, I agree with Spidey so be careful.

Mick & Cathy said...

I wasn't over worried although he was a bit cranky about it his friends realised what was happening and were actually laughing.

Its only a Yorkshire saying I just didn't think.

Its amazing how many people struggle to understand the things we say, some just look at me like I'm from another planet.

I'll have plenty of photo's to post

Rachel said...

High 90's in Boston?! That ain't hot!! Wait till you get to Atlanta in the summer...actually, do NOT come to the South in the summer. It is so freaking hot - 101* with humidity today. Argh.