Friday, June 08, 2007

TV Shows

I've been tagged by Cactusfreek to name my favorite TV shows, at first I thought this is difficult as I don't watch a lot of TV only usually a good film or Sport.

However after a little thought I've come up with a few programmes that I'll stop what I'm doing to watch, so here goes.

1. I'll start with comedy and I've always been a big fan of the late Ronnie Barkers talents, my favorite is "Porridge" where Ronnie plays Fletch a prisoner sharing his Jail Cell with Godber (Richard Beckinsdale). although the series is dated it Ronnie's skill with the one liners as certainley passed the test of time.

2. Another comedy series that I'll stop to watch and is loved by most of Britain is "Only Fools and Horses" which tells the tale of cokney wide boy Derrick Del Boy Trotter (David Jason) and his daft brother Rodney (Nicholas Lyndhurst). Some of the other charactors such as Trigger and Boycie are hilarious.

3. Moving on from comedy I actually quite often watch "Heartbeat" which is set in Yorkshire village Aidensfield back in the 60's. The stories usually revolve around the local Police force and they also act to a background of great music from that era.

4. A police drama series I enjoy is "The Bill" its been running a long time now and is set in the imaginary precinct of Sun Hill. It tends to deal with real issues and is good entertainment.

Check it Out - The Bill

5. Another drama series I sometimes watch is "Casualty" based around the goings on in the casualty department of Holby City hospital. There is a spin off called Holby City but I don't watch that. Saying I enjoy watching it I wouldn't want to be a patient they seem to lose one every week.

Check it Out - Casualty

Anyway I'm tagging Rachel - San - Rebecca - Suzy - Jenny


TitanThirteen said...

Showing your age there Mick! lol
When i tagged you, i wondered if you'd chose "The Bill", being british an' all. Then i tutted myself for stereotyping you lol

airliebird58 said...

Enjoyed those clips Mick. The 3rd one came up as a Japanese comedy sketch though, I think there was some sort of glitch as it took quite a while to load. :)

Mick & Cathy said...

And whats wrong with "The Bill" ?
And yes I'm getting old lol.

It seems to be ok now.

Rachel said...

Kewl! I'll have to mull this over and get my postings up. I liked reading about the shows you guys have over there. Haven't heard of a single one but now I have:)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment Mick, it's all just too crazy right now.

will read more detail soon as i'm just being told it's time to go!

Mick & Cathy said...

I'll look forward to reading about your favs.

We'll still be here when you can blog more and looking forward to it.

celtic_girl said...

All good shows, I used to watch Porride and Heartbeat myself.

Suzy said...

Oh, I've been tagged!
Will have a think and post my favourites as soon as I can ;-)

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Hi, Mick! Since I upgraded my operating system, I can use Blogger again as I used to and leave comments and everything. I don't know any of these tv shows and I feel like I should. I suddenly feel some nostalgia for that wretched office job I had when I started by blog because, although I hated the job, it gave me HOURS every day for blogging and surfing. I just don't have time for all these clips right now. It's time to go teach the babies!

Mick & Cathy said...

Porridge is so funny and you've got to love the music played in heartbeat they dig up some classics.

I'll look forward to reading your post.

Its good you can blog again but you must be busy with the new job and moving home.
I not sure if any of these programmes ever made US TV so I'm not surprised you haven't seen them.