Friday, June 01, 2007

Cactus back on top

Well a new month is upon us again and I've re-jigged my list of Blog friends and Cactusfreek has gone back to the top of the list with 20 comments. All top 7 bloggers were in double figures, thanks to all of you for your inputs.

Sadly three friends don't seem to be bloging anymore so I've removed them from the list, "Hear me Roar" announced that she was stopping, "Oral Girl" seems to have disappeared and "Vanessa" hasn't blogged since early march, I hope everthing is all right. I've saved all their blog addressess just in case they decide to return.

1 comment:

TitanThirteen said...

Woohoo! I kicked Celtic Girl and Arliebird back where they belong - under my name! lol

I didn't know Hear Me Roar stopped blogging. That's a real loss :o/