Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesday Weigh In - I don't understand

2007 Start Weight - 219lbs

Last Weigh in - 213lb

Todays Actual Weight - 213lb

Loss/Gain since last Weigh in - 0lb

Loss so far in 2007 - -6lb

Today's Target Weight - 203lb

Loss/Gain against Target - -10lb

Today when I stepped on the scales I expected a loss and am a little confused. I feel like I have eaten well got in a reasonable amount of exercise (can do more) and thought I had lost at least one pound. The harsh facts are I'm the same as last week and now a massive 10lb off my plan, so I need to give this some thought, hopfully next week will be better.

Recently one of my blog friends Regina has done a post stating how she finds it easier to lose weight or control her weight when she is happy with her life, whether that be happy at work, happy in love, just plain happy. I tend to agree that this is correct with a lot of people who have weight issues. If we are happy with life I think we have a tendancy to be more energetic & enthusiastic in everything we do weight loss is only one thing that benefits.

Anyway as a person that is overweight these are my thoughts on the reasons why and what I'm trying to do to improve, I'm not making excuses just stating reasons as most of you know its not easy to change lifestyle and I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this subject :-

1. Work - Ok a strange one to some but over the years my job has changed significantly from a Electrician to manager of a department. Basically I started work doing a lot physical work such as lifting and climbing. Now my role is mainly office based, sat on my backside and I haven't always dealt with this by changing my lifestyle.

2. Drink - I admit I've always enjoyed a beer and am a sucker for a night out, thats how I am. I got to a stage in my thirties where I would go out to the pub every night without good reason. I have addressed that somewhat and only have one regular night out (Monday for Pool). I do go out other times but only on special occasions like party's and works trips or on vacation etc. I will admit to having a social drink following playing some sports matches such as Golf or Table Tennis but one thing in my favour is I never drink at home.

3. Food - Like most of us heavyweights I love my food sometimes the wrong things. Again I've done something about it, lower calorie intake, more fruit and no eating late at night. I find this easy on working days cos I have my routine but its tough not to have the occasional treat at weekends. One of my problems is "if its on the plate I'll eat eat" I maybe need to sometimes look at smaller portions.

4. TV - I think a lot of people with a weight issue are guilty of spending too much time sat in front of the Box. I've done this in the past but actually watch very little nowadays(less than 10 hours per week).

5. Computors - Yes guilty as charged I know I spend too long sat in front of a computor screen, but hell I wouldn't have met all the nice people that read my blog.

6. Exercise - I'm not the type of person who can jog around the streets or spend hours doing repetitive exercises at the gym. However give me a ball to hit, kick or chase then I'm your man. I thrive on competition and a challenge, I hate losing. Saying that this year I've had a bad run with injuries and played a lot less sport than I would like, I think thats one of the biggest reasons I'm off target with my weight loss at present. Last year I'd lost over 20lb in the first 6 month of the year. Anyway I think a lot of my injury problems are behind me so I'm optimistic about an improvement in the coming months.

7. Car - I think we are all guilty of jumping in the car when we can walk or bike, I got in a routine of walking to work last year but my injuries and at times bad weather mean I haven't done this enough so far this year. I'm sure its a routine I'll be doing a lot more of in the coming months.

8. Holidays - As you know I love my vacations and I won't be changing that, life is for living. I do anticipate gaining weight on these trips and always add 5lb to my running target (I actually put on 7lb on my recent Seattle trip). Although I eat and drink my fair share on these trips I always try to do a lot of walking to counter the effect.

Opinions ?


ArleneWKW said...

I seriously think you should revise your weight loss targets. Being ten pounds behind makes it virtually impossible for you to catch up unless you either get much more severe in your weight loss strategy or give yourself ten months or so to catch up. Imagine a reasonable weight loss goal, perhaps a pound a week, and figure out your new targets from your current weight.

Re. the exercise, I wonder if doing some of those boring, repetitive exercises, would help to reduce your injuries.

Basically, and as you know, it all comes down to consuming less energy (calories) than you use. Consume fewer calories or exercise more.

Weighing the same as you weighed last week is really not a big deal. There is such a thing as normal fluctuation. Maybe the scale would show a loss if you got on the scale the next day or the one after that.

If you want to keep pretty much to your current lifestyle, it looks like you'll be getting rid of a pound a month. So I guess, even though you've already made changes, what other changes are you willing to make?

celtic_girl said...

Yes, I agree with Arlene regarding revising your target weight,change it and it wont be hanging over your head every week as a negative.

I think changing your life style is probably the hardest thing anyone can do, we lead such busy lives which makes it difficult to focus on the task at hand.

Anonymous said...

Work - i was in the airforce so exercise was not only part of my every day life but i HAD to pass the fitness tests etc or i was out of a job. So when i left that environment I got lazy. that's how i got to 121 + kgs.
Now it's not laziness but time i find difficult to manage.

Drink - i'm so lucky that although i was a BIG drinker in the past, i
literally don't drink at all. coke zero or water for me please

Food - i LOVE my food, all sorts of foods, not just the junky crap but the great tasty stuff and i like lots of it.

TV - i watch tv while i'm either bouncing, ironing or stuffing my face with chips and chocolate but i like you watch very little

Computers - i have no access so no problems there :-) but even when i do, 2 small boys makes it difficult so sit for more than a few mintues without being beckoned to something else

Exercise - i love bouncing and playing sport, it's the time i lack

Car - we walk wherever possible but with children it's not always easy.

Holidays - few and far between but when i'm on them, it's always about the
experience and if that means new foods/booze etc then so be it!

Hope you're well and don't be tough on yourself, it is a lifestyle change
and will take time to make permanent adjustments. Just slow and steady and
remember the basics. You know all this but i'm repetitive!

Mick & Cathy said...

Thanks for your input it is really appreciated and believe me I'm giving what you say some thought.

I'm also looking at the whole picture and I know I'll be upping the exercise a lot so I expect an improved loss rate.

However I'm on vacation at the end of next week so will probably put some weight on which I do allow for in my plan (5lb per vacation).
Saying that I may consider a new plan when I get back but my eventual aim is still the target.
I'd like to get to 200lb this year then maybe 180lb next year, I'd be happy at that.

airliebird58 said...

I think the other girls are correct about targets. Just take each week as it comes. I would think that just a little change in activity will help you. Walk a little more maybe, and it could make all that difference. That's where I have probs, I cant get around like I used too and its taking its toll weight wise.

Unknown said...

Well wrb you know the battles I have with the whole weight loss issue, so I won't offer advice. But all I can say is that we have to persevere despite our missed target goals and slip ups.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this completely, thanks for the post.