Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wednesday Weigh In - Enjoyment is dangerous

2007 Start Weight - 219lbs

Last Weigh in - 210.4lb

Todays Actual Weight - 218lb

Loss/Gain since last Weigh in - +7.6lb

Loss so far in 2007 - 1lb

Today's Target Weight - 208lb

Loss/Gain against Target - +10lb

I feared the worst and my fears have been confirmed, I predicted a 5lb increase on vacation but the result is a 7.6lb increase. As I was behind my target (by 7.4lb) for this stage of the year before the holiday I'm now a massive 10lb off plan, in fact I'm only 1lb down for the year.

I've only been back one day and maybe I'll lose some of this recently gained weight next week it doesn't mean I'm not dissapointed. I've only myself to be angry at but despite all the walking I did I didn't keep my food & drink intake in control.

I now must look forward not back and make a big effort to get back somewhere near target in the coming weeks before my next vacation in six weeks time. My aim is to lose two pounds rather than one each week during this period, if I can achieve this I'll only be 4lb off target if that makes sense.

I will add I fully enjoyed my holiday and have always said I wont let diet in the way of holidays I just need to control things a little better. I enjoy my food and drink and sometimes you've got to let the boat out.


Rachel said...

you're right - holidays and vacations should not count against your weight loss plan. they are a time to kick back and enjoy the finer things in life.

never look back and never regret anything that made you smile! and for me, a nice plate of boneless ribs and wine coolers can make me gain BUT also make me smile:)

TitanThirteen said...

Welcome home deary!
Holiday food doesn't have calories does it? Does it???? lol

ArleneWKW said...

Looking forward, instead of back, is the way to go. Your attitude about this seems totally right on.

Mick & Cathy said...

I allow fo an increase of 5lb but gained slightly more and as I was behind target anyway its put me further back.
I never regret things life is far too short and you only get one go at it.

I wish it didn't.

Can't change what has happend in the past so no point dwelling so just keep looking forward.

Jenny said...

Here is my thought--was the fun you had in Seattle worth the 7lb? I bet is was, so no stress, enjoy life and worry about the weight when the vacation is over. You are doing just fine Mick, hang in there!

Meow Meow said...

I am happy to know you made it home safely.

The travel and NEED to eat out can pack on the pounds. I know anytime I drive to N'awlins...all I want is seafood while I am there. It is so hard and so expensive to get fresh fish and shrimp here, as I am accustomed to eating.

Can you manage to but a carton of slim fast and live on it two meals a day for 3 weeks? I bet you'd lose the weight quickly.

celtic_girl said...

I'm sure now your home you'll kick some butt on the weightloss front.

TitanThirteen said...

Back again...
I've tagged you..."Tag!"...check out my blog :o)
This tag will be hard for you i reckon. That's why i picked you :oÞ

Mick & Cathy said...

You are so correct and I certainly did enjoy Seattle, its a city worth a visit.


Yeh travelling is tough on the weight.

I think I'll make some progress this week.

I will take your challenge.