Friday, May 25, 2007


At work its a tradition when somebody thats leaving on their last day to bring in "Pork Pies" and "Cream Cakes" to feed all their workmates. This happend today and one person that was at the feast was American and he told us he'd never had Pork Pie before, but when he tried one he loved it. I will add I didn't eat too many because they are not known for their dieting attributes.

Pork Pie's known as Growlers in many parts of Yorkshire (hence the title to this post) are an English tradition, we love em, believe me they are gorgeous. They come in various sizes from small individual to large ones that can be cut up to feed many.

Now this led me to thinking (and that doesn't happen often) that I've never seen them anywhere else on my travels so I reckon most of my blog friends don't know what they are missing they go down lovely with a bit of Branston Pickle.

People in this part of the world have even been known to use them instead of Wedding Cakes (honest).

If you fancy trying them or your holding a party then treat your friends, the following link will give you a recipe for a large Growler that will feed about ten people, some people have slightly different versions.

Pork Pie Recipe


Anonymous said...

Hi Mick... I am from Jenny's blog, and see your comments often on there and on Rachel's. I also saw a hit on my site from the UK, so I was wondering if it was you. It was from the Tesco server. It caught my eye, because we are doing a job for Tesco and a start-up they are doing here in the states... it's just interesting to me.

Have a great weekend.

airliebird58 said...

ooo pork pies, lovely! I like em with some salad cream.
One thing we have in Hull that I haven't seen anywhere else are the 'patties' you can buy at our fish n chip shops. They're potato with herbs mixed in, then coated in batter and fried. Believe me they are lovely and shops over here keep their recipes a secret :)

Anonymous said...

i don't like pork, i can't imagine i'd like a pork pie. i only like to eat pies i make myself as i hate finding grissle or yukky bits in my meat pie. ewwwww it makes me vomit and i can't eat then.

the wedding cake of pie is very interesting, you British are a fascinating lot.

hope you're well, thanks for the support and i await the next installment

Mick & Cathy said...

Welcome and I did check out your blog from the link on Jenny's. I've been blogging with both Jenny and Rachel for over a year, lovely ladies.
Feel free to drop by anytime and have a great weekend yourself.

I remember getting Patties years ago but to be honest our Chippies are not in the same league as they used to be. In fact a lot are no longer in buisnes about 50% from when I was a young un.

Pork Pies are like no other pie, if ever you get to visit the UK you must try one.
Obviously by the UK I mean Yorkshire the rest is not in the same league.

Jenny said...

I must say, I have never had a pork pie (although it looks a bit like pate en croute which I loved when I lived in France) but I am sure my husband would have loved to have a meat pie for our wedding!!

Rachel said...

Mick, these sound so yum is a "my! But I must ask - what the hell is a pig's trotter?!!

"The Captain" said...

If Spider recommends you site it must be a winner. Pork Pie, sounds interesting.

Mick & Cathy said...

You'll have to treat Craig and have a bash at making one.

Trotters are Pigs Feet.

Welcome to my blog, Pork Pie's are tasty I'm surprised other countries don't make them.

Unknown said...

Sadly Mick I don't think pork pie is for me! which is probably a good thing considering they are probably not Low fat! Ha Ha! I am glad you enjoy them however.

Suzy said...

Pork pie looks yum. My Mum used to make brawn (meat in it's own jelly) and I guess it would taste like that inside pastry.
I love pork. I try to stay away from it these days though, cause I can't say no to crackling and the fat on pork chops. ;-)
Guess you hope not too many people leave too often if you have feasts like that every time.

Mick & Cathy said...

Pork Pie is definately not Low fat.

Pork Crackling now you're talking. I'm a bit prone to the odd Baccon sandwich as well.