Saturday, May 12, 2007

Question For Americans - Fish & Chips

Obviously I like travelling to the States and Obviously I like food (don't get this shape for no reason). Anyway one of my favorite meals is Fish & Chips which is sort of a Yorkshire Delicacy in fact we have the most famous Chippies in the world "Harry Ramsdens", "Wetherby Whaler", "Neptune Whitby", etc.

Now I have tried Fish and Chips in a number of Cities in the States and everytime the Fish (Cod) although usually tasty it comes in 3 or 4 small battered pieces. This is unusual for me as we get ours in one decent sized piece. can anyone tell me why ?

These perfect examples are from my local Chippie.


Meow Meow said...

Sorry I can't tell you why. I can tell I too am a HUGE fish fan. I LOVE IT! I like it broiled, encrusted, seared, fried. I just don't care for it raw. I do love raw oysters though.

Thanks for the thoughts on mom.

Moby Dick said...

Because most of the places that sell fish and chips are Long John Silver's and Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips and both of those companies use whitefish which is what is used in gefilte fish and what most companies like McDonald's and Burger King use for their fish sandwiches.

The harvesting of fish at their minimum allowable sizes along with the compacting of the fish into an edible but un-natural patty format means that most fast food restaurants serve the fish in square blocks. The frozen fish companies (Gorton's and Mrs. Paul's--both are worst dreck I have ever tried to eat) do the same thing.

It may be that there is a trade standard for fish squares, and everyone adheres to it in the USA for purposes of retail sales.

BTW, I would like to tag you for the Musical Favorites thingie which Cactus Freak tagged me for. You seem to be musically inclined, so it should be a natural fit (unlike the fish squares).

Jenny said...

It is probably because we don't take as much care with the type of fish that we use, unlike the Brits, so that is why you get several small pieces rather than one big one.

airliebird58 said...

Crikey, the picture of those fish and chips looked lovely! If there's one thing us Hull folk know about its Fish n chips :)

TitanThirteen said...

I'm not American, but i'll answer for Australia, even though the question was for the Americans and you probably don't give a rats ass what kinda fish Australians eat and how we eat it. I'm going to tell you anyway! lol

We eat mostly flake [shark] from fish'n'chip shops. We can either have the big bits like you have. Or we can have the little bits. We call the little bits, cocktail fish pieces. And we have to say weather we want it/them battered or crumbed [Battered of course, gee! lol]
We know how to eat properly down here, OI OI OI!
Obviously, look at MY shape! lol

TitanThirteen said...

...And i'm really dissopointed about your tiny comment you left regarding my music choices. Knowing you are a music nut, i was kinda hoping to impress you, and i thought you'd have more to say. Poor me! lol

Mick & Cathy said...

I love Fish but have to be carefull as shell fish can kick off a gout attack and leave me in agony for weeks.

Your maybe correct but in Seattle it is a fishing port with a large fish market so I see no excuse. I had F & C twice once in a Irish Pub and once in a a small Cafe by the harbour. Both times it was tasty but not a patch on getting the bigger version.

Fair point but I'm still surprised knowing how much Americcans like good food.

They do a good fish at the Chippie but to be honest the Chips can be a bit greasy. I'll add neither Plate was mine.

Don't know what Shark tastes like we don't get many around here. I would like to try it someday though.

TitanThirteen said...

We have lots, and they bite back! lol Have you heard about how Australian sharks like the occasional snack on a surfer or two :o/

Rachel said...

That looks sooo goood! Replace the chips with cole slaw and life is fine, my friend!

Mick & Cathy said...

I knew there was a reason I didn't take up surfing.

Just Salt & Vinegar and best eaten out of newspaper my friend.

Moby Dick said...

Dear WRB,

Miami is a fishing port too, though I have no idea how it rates compared to other port cities. All the major chain restaurants (including Picadilly's, Denny's, Red Lobster, etc.) get their fish trucked in from their vendors or processing plants.

The fish is frozen and pre-battered. When I worked at the (national) supermarket, I was amazed to discover that all the food that they served hot at the deli would arrive frozen. It was prepared, spiced, seasoned, and battered before freezing. Every food had a specific amount of time in the oven or fryer. The cooks just put it in, set the time, and waited for the bell to ring.

Mick & Cathy said...

Its sad really that they do that with all that fresh fish available.