Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday Weigh In - A loss but not enough

2007 Start Weight - 219lbs

Last Weeks Weight - 213lb

Todays Actual Weight - 212.2lb

Loss/Gain this week - -0.8lb

Loss so far in 2007 - 6.8lb

Today's Target Weight - 209lb

Loss/Gain against Target - +3.2lb

At least I've lost a bit of weight this week even if its only 0.8lb. However I'm losing against my target of 1lb per week up to my vacation (only 6 weeks away), I'm actually 3.2lb heavier than I should be. I actually think I'm eating ok but I think the lack of exercise as slowed my metabolism making weight loss hard.
Following the weekend I still ache a bit but its mostly muscular than problems with my knees, I reckon my injuries are on the mend (I hope).
I'm still a bit worried that I can't seem to access Sandii's blog, I know she was having problems but it seems to have dissappeared altogether.

Not much happening this week at work, I still am unsure whether I'll get the choice to stay or go but should find out soon. I've got a few details on what I would get if made redundant but I still need details of what my company pension is worth. If I get an option this information is critical.


celtic_girl said...

Yes, it can be disappointing but hey a loss is loss so well done.Glad you injuries are on the mend.

Anonymous said...

hey Mick

sent you an email as i can't comment from work and this computer only works when it feels like it.

the new blog has been updated as i managd to get it to work... no promises it will continue to work but i'll do my best.

as i said in my mail a loss is a loss! and forget worrying about targets, slow and steady and make it count.

hope your injuries continue to get better quickly!

look forward to the next post.

hey have you heard Remember When by Allan Jackson, i voted it one of my fave love songs? you should listen, it just about makes me cry!


airliebird58 said...

A step in the right direction is good, no matter how big or small it is.

Rachel said...

Wow, you're doing good on the diet. I keep going up and down with the same 5 pounds. It would send me to the funny farm but we all know that's not a long trip for me!

To me, the key is to make better food choices cuz even thin people have cholesterol problems and die from heart attacks! But making good choices along the way will get the weight off AND make you heart smart:)

Mick & Cathy said...

The loss of 0.8lb is ok but I need to be catching up with my target weight.

Thanks for the e'mail I've updated my link to your blog.
Never heard of Allan Jackson I'll try check him out.

Thanks but I still want to do better.

I think my food choices are ok, not perfect I slip up sometimes.
I do eat a fair bit of fruit & veg as a routine and reckon my diet is normally balanced. I will add its not always been like that.
My biggest weakness is probably beer although I do limit my nights out and don't drink at home.

Suzy said...

It is frustrating when you can't exercise as much as you would like to, but .8lb is still a loss. You are doing really well.

I hope they soon let you know about things at work. I have been through the same thing and I know that until it is all final, it is a very stressful time.

Jenny said...

Congrats on the weight loss. I know it is frustrating sometimes when it goes up and down, but stay focused because you are doing it right--nice and slow and steady.

Anonymous said...

At least you are losing weight thats a good thing.

I hope the work situation sorts itself out soon you must be going through a stressfull time.

Mick & Cathy said...

Thanks for your encouragement on the weight loss.
I'll post about my work situation when I know more.

Thanks taking it off slow should help me keep the weight off (I hope).

I assume you are a Charles Bronson fan and thats not your real name ?