Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wednesday Update - Fed Up, Frustrated & in Pain

2007 Start Weight - 219lbs

Last Weeks Weight - 212.6lb

Todays Actual Weight - 213lb

Loss/Gain this week - +0.4lb

Loss so far in 2007 - 6lb

Today's Target Weight - 210lb

Loss/Gain against Target - +3lb

Sorry to keep going on about my injuries but I am now totally pissed off and just can't believe what is happening to me. I also mentally lost it and blew the diet completely last night and today, I'm so fed up.

As those of you know since early December I've had a number of problems with various joints starting with gout in my right foot followed by tennis elbow in my right arm which put me out of playing a number of important Table Tennis matches. Since then I've had an injury to my left knee which as slowly been improving, considering not so long ago I was on crutches I'm pleased to have got playing again although struggled with some pain.

Well so last night I played a local league match mainly as I need the play because I am desperate to play some very imoportant Yorkshire league matches at Hull this coming Sunday. Well I strapped my knee up as a precaution, I've changed my bat to a lighter one to help the tennis elbow and was feeling ok if not perfect.

I played my first match and in the 2nd end disaster struck as I went for a forhand it I twisted on my right leg (the good knee) and bang it just gave way. I knew I'd done something but went on to complete my games winning two and losing one, the team had a good result winning 8-2. However as the night progressed the knee started to swell and by the end I was struggling to walk and in pain, I just can't believe it.

Anyway I was totally mentally fed up I just cracked went to the pub drank a few drinks ate crisps got Fish & Chips on the way home I just lost it and blew the diet. For that I apologise to my friends that have been supporting me. I'll do my best to get back on track.

Anyway my former good knee is know swollen to the extent I can't even straighten it fully I'm back on crutches and it certainly looks dodgy to say the least for me been fit in time for Sunday. The ironical part my left knee & Tennis elbow seem ok and even my cold is clearing up, this is a total downer for me.

Tonight I'm going to put a ice pack on it to try get rid of some of the swelling, I'll do anything I can to be fit for Sunday morning (we have 3 matches 10am, 1pm & 4pm) but I'm just not optimistic.

Sorry again for moaning so much but I just hate life at present.

Message for Airliebird check out this blog I'm sure you will like it -


ArleneWKW said...

Oh Mick, that sucks mightily. I'm so sorry that you're in so much continuing pain. I understand how totally debilitating that can be. Be gentle with yourself as far as your dietary lapses are concerned. And you certainly don't need to apologize to your friends who have been supporting you (although I understand that feeling since it's one that I also experience). Even though I can only speak for myself, I think it's safe to say that "we" are here for you regardless of whether you are on or off track with your eating. For those of us who share a similar struggle, we understand that it is an ongoing challenge and sometimes frustration

Rachel said...

Bummer on the knee. Will they take a needle and drain it for you? To be honest, that's probably where the weight gain appears to be from. The fluid on the knee is affecting your weight.

I understand about the stress eating. I do it myself. I MADE myself do good these past 2 days. It's a battle everyday.

You "reckon" the photo is okay? I hope that's a good thing. Belbo is a box of dynamite but I wouldn't trade knowing him for anything. I'm encouraging him and his ex to talk stuff out and it seems to be going well.

I am going to be a counselor when I grow up. Oh heck, it'd just be easier to do it in my next life. (Not that I believe in reincarnation.)

Oral said...

We all moan~ unfortunatley they are not always moans of pleasure. I sure hope you get some relief soon.

Do you get any water therapy? Have you consulted a physician?

Go ahead and eat. I doubt you went and ate at every buffet in town. We all have a breaking point. It sounds as if you hit yours. Tomorrow is a new day.

Unknown said...

Mick I am so sorry. It sucs to be in that much pain. Now is the time to take care of yourself and forgive yourself for eating some comfort food! I hope you heal quickly and that the pain subsides soon. You may need to see a DR. Take care friend.

celtic_girl said...

First of all dont apologise,we are human and suffer the same ups and downs - god knows I know!! lol

Being in pain can make us do things we wouldn't normally do like over eat to medicate ourselves. I agree with Arlene we are all here to support each other through thick and thin.Take care and sont be too hard on yourself.

Anonymous said...

You seem to be having a lot of bad luck, I hope things improve soon and you make your match.

Mick & Cathy said...

Yeh it does suck and I'm getting really fed up it seems one thing after another.
I feel I should apologise to my online friends because they give me so much support and I'm so want to not let them down.

They won't be taking a needle to it as their is a lot of inflammation and the swelling will just come back. I actually put a ice pack on last night which gave some relief and got rid of some swelling.
However the pain returned later I think its just a time thing. At present in needs rest but once I get rid of the inflammation I'll need gentle exercise.
Yeh the photo is ok (you have a good head of hair) but I must add I'd love to see you when dolled up for a night out, you're a good un.

The frustration makes me eat. Yes I've visited the doc and am prescribed tablets.

Thanks, I'll try take it easy.

Your right but I just feel I shouldn't let the pain beat me. I'm just itchiing to start exercising again.

Paul (or is it Charles ?),
Thanks kind comments and keep visiting. Do you have a blog ? Where are you from ?

airliebird58 said...

Isn't it marvellous how crap things always seem to happen one after another. It never happens with good things does it.
don't worry about falling off the wagon, don't beat yourself up about it. I do it all the time :) I hope the knee gets better quickly.
Thanks for the link to the blog, it's always nice to find fellow Leeds fans, we need to stick together!!

TitanThirteen said...

We don't think you are a big whingy bum at all :o)

Mick & Cathy said...

It does seem everything goes wrong together but when it turns good it will all be good, lets hope so.
The lad writing the other blog is doing a great job.

Trouble is its me that thinks I'm a big whingy bum.

Jenny said...

Hey, we all slip up sometimes and given the rough week you have been having with work and your injuries a little oops on the diet is totally understandable!

Mick & Cathy said...

You're correct we all slip up occasionally but still don't like it.