Thursday, March 08, 2007

Should I stay or should I go ?

Ok yes I know this is a former UK No1 song by "The Clash" but its about where I am at present.

In the morning we have a mass meeting at work to tell us what the plans are with the company I work for. We know a large section is closing and there will be a significant number of redundancies. A lot of these may be volunteers but there will be some forced.

I don't know what will happen with me but should soon find out, maybe I will be forced to stay or go I just don't know.
In a ideal world I'll be given the option and I am unsure what I'll choose, my gut feeling at present is to maybe take the redundancy as I have a lot of Service and should get a decent pay out. However I'm too young to retire and may not be able to find an equivallent job.

My biggest fear about staying is if the rest of the site closes in the not so distant future the redundancy package may be different and I'd lose out big time. Its a big decision so watch this space.


Sandii said...

hey Mick,

i hate making decisions like this. whever faced with them i look for signs, then follow them. like one time i went for 2 jobs, one was a higher level, more demanding.. anyway, i got the lower level one and then was waiting to find out about the other one, i agonised for days over what i would do and in the end i came second for the higher level one so didn't have to make the decision. phewwwww

so i don't envy you one bit! i'm sure you'll see signs and just follow them, that way you'll know you're doing the right thing.

but one bit i think is important is if the factory will eventually close, well maybe now is the time...

good luck!

Meow Meow said...

I hope you are given a choice and that you make the right one.

Follow your head and your gut. Are you out searching *looking* at you other prospects now? At least on line???

Moby Dick said...

Look at things this way, at least you have some good options!

celtic_girl said...

It's a hard decision I don't envy you - whatever you do, always look at the big picture and the long term forecast.

Anonymous said...

Gee thats one difficult decision, I hope it all works out for the best.

TitanThirteen said...

Every so often my husband is faced with this problem at his work. I'm sure i can see his hair go greyer before my very eyes!
Just weigh your options carefully ok?

Rachel said...

it is such a big decision. i have known folks who didn't take the first pay out and you're right - the second was much, much less. and then some folks who didn't take the payout, things got better, and they benefitted. what is the forecast in the business world for the type of work your company does?

maybe now is the time to think about what other career choices you'd like to have? hey - come go to nursing school with me!

Mick & Cathy said...

The decision is a tough one and I need to give it a lot of thought, that assumes I get a choice which is not certain.

Looking for another job - no not yet, if I do go I'm going to take a break to consider a different line of work. Just fancy a change of direction.

Bang on either option is not a negative.

I'm trying to focus on the big picture.

Mr K,

I wish I had more hair to go grey.

The Factory I work at has two products one of which is ceasing production. The other is keeping going and is a new product line and could turn out very profitable. However at present that is far from certain, to be honest its a 50-50 shot.
Nursing with you I'll think about it.

Jenny said...

I was in a similar position a few years ago. I got laid off and had the option to get a nice payout or to keep my job but move back east to Connecticut. I chose to stay here and leave the job and I am very happy that I did. Sometimes things just work out. At the time I questioned my decision several times, but in the end, whatever you decide will make you the happiest is the best choice for you.

airliebird58 said...

It's a difficult decision, wait and see what sort of pay out you will get 1st, see if it will tide you over for a while and you could think of retraining. Is there anything you fancy doing?
Its never too late you know, the hubby went back to Uni in his mid 30's and took an engineering degree.

Mick & Cathy said...

Life changing decisions are never easy but as you say change can be a good thing.

I know what the payout will be and its good.
I'm unsure what I'd like to do but I'm thinking any change will be good. I'm still unsure what I'll decide if I get a choice, all I can hope for is its my decision.