Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday Music Night - CD review - "The Photos"

As most of my regular readers know I like quite a wide range of music so Mondays on my blog is now music night. I will each week give my review of a CD, sometimes well known sometimes not.

Anyway this week I'm going to start with "The Photos", some of you may now ask Who ?
Well if you read one of my Toronto Posts The Photos you will realise I searched for this CD for well over 20 years to replace my vinyl copy.

The Photo's were a little known group from Worcester, England and were part of the New Wave setup in the late seventies. I believe (but could be wrong) this is their only recordings.

The Group were Wendy Wu on vocals, Steve Eagles on lead guitar, Dave Sparrow on Bass and Olly Harrison on Drums.

Anyway the CD has officially 12 songs mainly written by the group but also contains "the Blackmail recordings" the very first 8 songs recorded by the group in someones garage, a raw collection of origionals mixed with some classics.

Track 1 - Do You have Fun - This is a good song about a young girl enjoying life with her friends.

2 - Irene - The groups only chart record if you count reaching number 56 in 1980 a chart hit. Decent song but not the best on the album.

3. - Barberellas - Catchy song complaining about a place where live bands played turning into another "rottern Discotheque. One of my favs.

4. - Now That you tell me that were through - Yeh we get the message, good song though.

5 - Look at the Band - To me not up to the same standard as the other songs.

6 - Friends - Love this song could just imagine one of my favourite ladies singing the words to me "He's my friend, I'll stick with him until the end".

7. -Loss Of Contact - About a girl whoose boyfriend is away, not the best song on the album but still worth a listen.

8 - She's Artistic - Interesting song about a lonely Art student.

9 - All I Want - Fast tempo and if I'm in the mood for fast this is a cracker, good un to sing along.

10 - Maxine - Song about a Punk rocker well it was that time.

11. - Evelyn 2 - Another interesting song about somebody with depression.

12 - I Just don't know what to do with myself - Ok there not all origionals but this Burt Bacharach composition was a number 3 hit for Dusty Springfield, great song and it is done justice here.

Well that is the main CD but the blakmail recordings have some interesting songs including a Punk versions of the classics "Lady is a Tramp"and "Do you wanna Dance", I've not heard them played like this before .

Five of the other songs are Photo's origionals "Last Time", "With Honours", "Sex Object", "Skateboard" & "Evelyn 1".

Finally the CD finishes with a excellent version of Lennon & McCartney's "I Saw Her Standing There"

My verdict 7 out of 10, if you were about and liked the New Wave music of the late seventies this is good value for your money. Pretty good for a virtually unknown group.

Not sure what CD to review next week so I'll give you bloggers the choice :-

A) - Revolver - The Beatles classic album.

B) - Me and Mr Johnson - Eric Claptons tribute to Delta Blues singer Robert Johnson.

C) - American Pie - Don McLeans famous Album.

D) - Old New Borrowed & Blue - Classic from the early 70's from kings of Glam - Slade

E) - "Live" Down the Road - Marcia Ball "Queen of Louisiana Swamp Rock".

F) - Regina Rodriguez - Just dare me.

Tell me which of these you want reviewed next week ?

Also don't be afraid to review some of the rare Albums in your collection.


Jenny said...

OK, since I am only 32, my album archive consists of a lot of hair bands, pop music and teen groups with a smattering of 40s Ella fitsgerald type stuff (yeah, I had a phase...). However, I really do like Don Mclean, so that is my vote.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of the group but interesting blog post (I love music).
I'll go for Eric Clapton next week.

Rachel said...

Very interesting blog. I like Don McLean too so I'm ditting Jenny's post.

Let me know when you get around to KISS or Alice Cooper (JUST KIDDING).

Anonymous said...

Great review.....never heard of the band but it sounds pretty cool. I love 70's and 80's music! My vote is Don Mclean too :)

Mick & Cathy said...

My music taste as got so varied (whatever takes the mood) as I've got older. This Monday theme night I will be trying to vary the styles and see how it goes.
Music taste is an opinion and it'll be great to hear about everyone else's tastes.

Keep reading my friend, thanks for your vote.

I'm afraid I don't have any KISS or Alice Cooper Albums although I don't mind some of Alice's stuff.
I have a couple of old vinyl singles and my favorite is "No more Mr Nice Guy", a real quality song.

My main music era was the seventies for following the fashionable bands.
As i've got older I've opened my ears to all sorts of stuff.
Like Anon I love music.

Suzy said...

I hadn't heard of "The Photos". SOunds like Don McLean is the go for the next review. I don't think I know him, but would be interested.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mick,

Being looking for a copy of teh Photos for years.

The CD with the Blackmail tracks sounds even better. All I have is and old audio Cd taken from my very scrached LP.

Saw them live once and we still sing the songs . . .

Do you still have a copy? Please say yes . . . . ! Paul.

It's just occured to me taht there are times on teh posts , but no date . Hmmmm!