Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Power Problems

From where I live I can see three major power stations Drax, Eggborough and Ferrybridge. The Area is nicknamed Megawatt valley because of this, in fact we supply a large proportion of the countries electricity.
When I got up this morning I turned on the light and within 5 minutes Zap I was in the middle of a power cut, I was in the dark. Ok everyone gets power cuts occasionally but this is our f*****g eigth in less than three f*****g weeks.
I can put up with this inconvenience at home but it is causing havoc where I work. The factory I work is based on a fermentation process and we make two products one which is fermented for 10 days and the other 5 days. We run 365 days per year 24 hours per day and loss of power cuts air to the fermentors and kills the product costing thousands of pounds.
Basically these power cuts are screwing us, they will shut us down if this keeps up. I don't know what is happening but I reckon its lack of spending and maintenance. The infrastructure is shit, loads of housing estates are popping up and no spending on the electrical network.

Talking of infrastructure the water system is not a lot better. Last week we had a leak on the water main to our site so the local water board turned it off to the complete town. They repaired the leak turned it back on and the pressure caused leaks all over the town, roads were closed everwhere.

I reckon we are turning into a third world country.


Rachel said...

Wow - sounds like you live in California!!

TitanThirteen said...

The last time we had a power cut lasting over an hour, it was about a year ago. I couldn't find any candles bar 1 so my children and i huddled around that [john was working nights]
Since then i've been a little obsessed with candles! Whenever i'm in a thrift store [and that's a lot]and i find a candle, i snatch it up like it's gold! I can't even tell you how well prepared we are with candles now! lol
But hang on...where do we keep the matches...

ArleneWKW said...

I was thinking the same thing as Rachel. We've been neglecting our infrastructure big time. Hopefully the 5 ballot propositions we passed earlier this month will actually do something about that.

airliebird58 said...

The thing is though, do we get any rebate for the inconvenience? Do we hell as like.
A bit off beam I know, but I was watching a Documentary about UFO's yesterday, and some people believe our governments have had access for some years to alien technology that would solve all our power needs in one fell swoop. But of course, the powers that be want us to keep paying through the nose!
Lets hope our little grey pals decide to give us all a gift soon lol.

Mick & Cathy said...

The government have a lot to answer for when it comes for spending on the countries infrastructure.
If it carries on like this I don't have any doubt I will be out of work. The cost to my company is massive.

airliebird58 said...

What it all boils down too is privatizing all the utility's. At least we knew our money was put back into the water, electricity and gas, instead of shareholders pockets. As with the Railways, all was sold off to make a quick buck, and we've paid through the nose ever since!