Thursday, April 20, 2006

England and USA

Ok I have said in previous posts I love the US and its people. This is from personel experience from my visits so far.
As a lot of my blog readers are American in this Post I have decided to compare the differences between the two countries.

Ok this post is in fun but I can't wait for the response retaliation (Ha Ha).

1. In England we drive on the left hand side of the road while in America you drive on the wrong side. This is proven by the fact that people riding shotgun always sit to the drivers left so can defend against bandits coming out of the trees. (England 1-0)

2. Sports - England have invented all their main sports and given them to the world (they usually come back and beat us). America have invented all their main sports kept them to themselves play each other and call it the "World Series" (England 2-0)

3. Football - In England we have a sport called Football where you use your feet. In America you have a sport called Football where you use your hands, please explain ? (England 3-0)

4. Armed Forces - America have what they claim are the best Navy and Air Force in the world. In England we have a Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. Now when I play cards a Royal Flush always beats a Flush. (England 4-0)

5. In England we have had two Civil Wars America has only had one. (England 5-0)

6. English is the native language of England, English is the language of America. (England 6-0)

7. England has a Queen and a Prime Minister America has GWB. (England 7-0)


Mick & Cathy said...

Ok I give you one point you did us in Boston at that tea party, but you did have home advantage.

ArleneWKW said...

Re. #5: We've had 1 Civil War. We've had many more uncivil wars including the current one in Iraq.

Joel said...

considering that the America's were under British control at the time, wouldn't our Revolutionary War (you know the one where we beat you guys?) also be considered a civil war?

Joel said...

also- as far as sports go, you guys have soccer/football and then what? Cricket?!
We've got American Football, Basketball, and Baseball... you've got me on the name though- I have NO idea why it's called football.

Mick & Cathy said...

Good point America does have some great shopping I will accept.

I don't think any countries have had as many wars as us in our history.

No don't agree your revolutionary
war was against a heavily outnumbered occupying force. Not a civil war just a war on home soil.

You forgot Rugby (Union & League)
these are very tough sports.
Football/Soccer is by far the worlds biggest sport.
Cricket - We go watch Yorkshire at least once every year. absolutely awesome, crap sport, great day out, the sport is boring but the crowd hilarious and the beer always flows.
We do compete badly at a lot of other sports and our standards are dropping. One reason is half the playing fields are having housing estates built on them. Americans beat us hands down at providing talented sports people with facilities.

ArleneWKW said...

You may be right Mick, but England's history goes way further back than that of the U.S.

Jenny said...

I will agree on the royal navy and possibly the football one!

Mick & Cathy said...

Yes I supposed we do have a bit of a long history.

Royal Navy and Football Thanks for agreeing.

Just a post in fun I actually think our countries and the people have so many similar attributes.

Modigliani said...

ha! very cute! ... And I never knew where "Riding shotgun" originated. Is that true?