Friday, April 14, 2006

Bloggers are honest

Since I started my blog the question that intrigues me is "What are bloggers really like ?"

I first came across blogging in January this year when doing a random web search on Chicago I came across Regina's blog by chance. I would normally have moved on but I noticed an article that attracted my attention, Regina had worked at a restaurant in Chicago that I had used on a number of occasions, the restaurant had closed which surprised me because everytime I had been there it seemed really busy.
I read the article and for some reason I decided to keep Regina's web address on my favorites and kept going back to read her posts. What hit me most was how somebody could be so open and honest about their life and feelings on a blog. At this time I started to read a few other blogs and this honesty impressed me.
I started to add my comments to some of the posts I read, yes my interest was building. Eventually Regina & Joel (Dcnats) suggested I started my own blog, I resisted for about a week then took the plunge, I am really pleased I did.
Since doing my blog I have read and commented to many peoples blogs, its actually great to be able to write down what you want and believe in. People can take it or leave it, agree or disagree, comment or not comment although I do admit when you have written a post it is really pleasing when you get feed back.
For all of my faults I have always considered myself an honest person and I like/expect others to be the same (a lot of people are not).
I have always worked on the theory that there are only two people in the world that will truly tell you what they think, that is "Children & Drunks".
But I think I can add a third to the list "Bloggers".

Bloggers are honest people.


ArleneWKW said...

I like my on-line community a lot.
I also think that people whe write above the issues that challenge them are probably more honest than those that are hoping to hook up romantically.

Mick & Cathy said...

I think you have a good point, I was only thinking of the people I communicate with through blogging. I do try to pick and choose what I consider real people.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

I think it's my combination of self-absorption, exhibitionism and arrogance (to think anyone wants to read about what I think) that propels my blogging activity. Plus my tendency to THINK WAY TOO MUCH.

Jenny said...

hmmm.. so I am lumped into a category with Children and drunks.... I think that is good company indeed!! Thanks and I agree with you. It is very refreshing to find a forum where you can be honest and get honest feedback.

Mick & Cathy said...

"Think way too much" well I do that often.
"Self-absorption" &"Exhibitionism" I believe there is some of that in all of us.

"Arrogance" I don't think so, from reading your blog I can come up with loads of words to describe you but arrogant is not on my list.

I can only speak for myself but I love reading what you think, your blog is fantastic due to your total honesty.

Mick & Cathy said...

Yes we all in there with Children & Drunks, have you ever seen either not show their true feelings.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Thank you, White Rose Boy. You are generous and diplomatic.

Mick & Cathy said...

Thanks Regina,
I've never been called diplomatic before.