Friday, April 14, 2006

Americans Like or Dislike

Two posts tonight

Following last nights post "But I like Americans" I carried out a survey at work of the first twenty people I met. Yes I have been to work on Good Friday before anyone asks.

I asked two Questions :-

1. Which living American person do you least like ?
George W Bush - 17 votes
Mike Tyson - 1 vote
Michael Jackson - 1 vote
Tiger Woods - 1 vote

2. Which living American person do you most like ?
Bill Clinton - 5 votes
Eddie Lewis - 5 votes
Madonna - 4 votes
Mohammad Ali - 3 votes
Tiger Woods - 2 votes
George Clooney - 1 female vote

I did not vote myself but I thought some readers may be interested in the results.


ArleneWKW said...

With the exception of Tiger Woods, I can't say that I like any of the folks in your "dislike" category. I'd probably pick Bush, though, because his actions most effect me and the world. Re. you "like" category, I'd choose none of them. I'm interested in who you'd choose.

Mick & Cathy said...

Tiger Woods was an interesting choice for "dislike" as he got two votes in the "like" section. I think I asked a frustrated Golfer.
My choice would be definately a political person in the dislike section (see my profile).
Like will be one of my blog readers, no correction all my blog readers.

Jenny said...

Poor GW, he gets such a hard time ;-)

It always seems that our presidents make such fun fodder for the overseas press. However, most European leaders go virtually undetected over here. Not sure if that is because Americans just don't pay enough attention to politics outside our little world, or whether Eupropean politics is just less scandalous than ours.

hmm.. maybe I should do a little investigating into that Tony Blair...

Mick & Cathy said...

GW gets so much bad publicity in our media (Iraq, New Orleans, etc.)I am sure that is why he is not liked.
However Tony Blair is also getting a lot of bad media coverage and I believe he has stayed in office only due to a very weak opposition.
Personally Polititions irritate me I have yet to see one I feel I can believe or trust (not like us bloggers). I try to avoid political arguments I don't stand on the right or left I just make my mind up on individual issues.