Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wednesday weigh in

Last week my weight was 230.3lb.

Today my weight has dropped to 228.1lb a loss of 2.2lb (still winning the war).

Over the last week the weather has been good so I have been able to walk to work every day (Mon to Fri). Only drank beer on Monday at my Pool match (which I lost in a deciding frame, would have won but snookered myself when on a finish).

Both tonight and tomorrow I will be attending Table Tennis training sessions, it is hot so I should be able to sweat something out of me.


airliebird58 said...

Well done getting back on track after your holidays! My Dietitian says you are more likely to keep weight off when the losses are small and regular. 1-2lb a week. I lost nothing last week so hopefully a little will have come off tomorrow. (I weigh myself every Thursday)

Rachel said...

I agree. It took me from Dec to July to get 50 pounds off. But my thoughts are the time is going to go by anyway, so might as well spend it trying to improve myself.

I saw a girl from the DFers who claimed she was going to start the same time I did. She is STILL an American size 26 (she's HUGE).

Mick & Cathy said...

I am sure you are correct, I know quite a few people who took weight off quickly (did really well) but a couple of years later they are bigger than ever.

Dec to July to take 50lbs off is averaging nearly 2lb per week. That is an awesome effort that I couldn't match over such a period.
I think the main thing is controlling your lifestyle. I am in this thing for life and I will take weight off (and keep off)however long it takes.

Jenny said...

Great job with the weight loss! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.