Thursday, July 20, 2006

Food & Drink I don't Like

The other day I named 10 of my favorite Food & drinks that I have to try and avoid to assist my weight loss.
The following 10 I dislike while a large majority of the population love them :-

1. Fried Eggs - The one item I leave off my English Breakfast, I don't dislike eggs but will only eat Omelette and not very often.

2. Tea - The traditional English drink but I never touch the stuff. If I have an hot drink it will be Coffee everytime.

3. Whiskey - I can't put this stuff near my nose, can't stand the smell or the taste.

4. Pernod - This French aniseed tasting alcoholic drink was once a favorite of mine until I drank too much one night and made myself sick. I have never touched the stuff since and that was over 25 years ago.

5. Curry - I will not eat curry following an incident similar to the Pernod story and this goes back over 30 years.

6. Tomato Ketchup - I love tomatoes but won't put ketchup on anything.

7. Grapefruit - About the only fruit I can think of that I don't like the taste.

8. Kippers - I love usually love most fish but not these smelly articles.

9. Olives - Just taste sour to me.

10. Raspberry's - Actually I love these things but I am allergic to them so can't eat them. If I do I risk coming out in blotches and swellings all over my face and body.

What don't you Eat/Drink ?


airliebird58 said...

There isn't a lot I dont like, thats my problem!
I'm not too fond of spicey hot things like chilli and hot currys.
Its funny about drinks that make you ill you cant touch again. I did that one after another with sweet, medium, and dry Martini. Some things never sink in do they? :)

Modigliani said...

It's hard for me to choose the things I don't like. (BTW, I've never tried Pernod - but have always wanted to! I think Henry Miller talks about incessantly in his writing.)

For me, I'd turn my nose up to these foods:

Spicy sausage
very hot/spicy foods in general
pickled pigs feet
dried coconut (love the fresh stuff, but the flakey dried pieces are gross!)

Jenny said...

A limey who doesn't like tea?? Inconceivable! I personally am a major tea drinker and have several cups each day. There are very few things that I hate: liver is really the only main one. Most things I enjoy and there are a few that I can't eat all the time, but when I am in the mood, I enjoy them. I guess you could say I have an adventurous palate.

Rachel said...

1. Brussel sprouts - God, not even drowning these nasty things in butter help the taste!
2. Coca Cola - I'm a Pepsi person but since I've been on SouthBeach now it's Diet Pepsi or Pibb Zero.
3. Buttermilk - GAG ME with a spoon.
4. Scotch - see #3
5. Fat Free Sour Cream - just let me clog my arteries, please. I HAVE to have real sour cream.

Mick & Cathy said...

No I'm not into spicey hot things.
Drinks making you ill thats growing up I suppose.

Try the Pernod I once loved it, my own fault drinking too much.
Pickled Pigs Feet they sound horrible.

Yes this Limey hates tea and nobody ever believes me.

I am one of the few people that actually likes sprouts. Coca Cola or Pepsi I like both. I'm with you with the rest though.

Yeh I forgot on my list I don't like bottled salad dressings.
I hope Toronto Booze is good but I'm sure you are a good judge.

Vanessa said...

I'm grossed out by pork. Yick-yuck.