Thursday, July 27, 2006

My Golden Rules in Life

1. Live today like you will be dead tomorrow (because one day you will be right).

2. Treat others like they treat you (because thats what they deserve).

3. Never give anyone a 2nd chance to let you down (because they will).

4. Learn from other peoples mistakes (you don't have time to make them all yourself).

5. Its not the taking part its the winning that counts (who likes losers).

6. Set your goals high and don't stop until you get there (achieving ambitions is everything).

7. Never ask your friends what they can do for you ask what you can do for them (be a good friend).

8. Don't make your only ambition in life to become the richest person in the graveyard (enjoy what you earn).

9. Honesty is everything (Only people that can be trusted are worth knowing).

10. You get out what you put in (making an effort is always worth while).


ArleneWKW said...

I want to sit down and argue with you about some of these, but don't have the time to get into it. But, your list is thought provoking + makes me think of how I view some of these rules. I think I'm still in tune with an idea along the lines that what matters more is the journey, not the destination. Of course, I can argue with this as well. For all kinds of reasons, the destination is very important. But - I like the idea of paying attention to what you're experiencing in each moment of your life, appreciating the "journey" more than looking to what lies ahead (which is a form of living in the future rather than the present.) I'm reacting to the winning is what matters rule. Maybe because, all to often, I've tended to be the loser in competitions. But I don't feel like a loser. Looking back at the last friggin 60 years of my life, I value all of what I've experienced, even though much was sucky at the time. Man, I've gone on with this waaay longer than I'd intended.

airliebird58 said...

I'm a great believer of 'doing to others as you would have done to you'. Being polite is very important I think. I have always worked in jobs where I have served the public. My very 1st boss said something to me that has always stuck with me. He said to always be civil to all, because you might be the only person they come into contact with that day. (particularly true with some older people I think) Also, the ruder someone is, the politer I get lol.
The old adage of 'you cant take it with you when you go' is very true. I don't have a lot of cash, and I don't have a posh home, but it doesn't matter in the end does it? :)

Rachel said... by reading my blog you can LEARN alot of dumb stuff NOT to do:) And you're right, Bell Boy got what he deserved. The twit.

Mick & Cathy said...

Of course you are right to argue with some of my rules, we are all individuals with different outlooks.
For the record I believe we only come this way once and what we do with our life is our choice.
Life is about winning, passing exams, making friends, driving test, getting the job we want, etc.

Saying all this the most important thing is been a good person and respecting others.

Yes I always try to be nice to people but my opinion changes if they are not nice.
Money as never been an issue with me, I have been lucky with promotions at work getting me pay rises in recent years (this helps with all the holidays).
I was brought up purely working class on a council estate and could never be posh. People earn respect not money.

Mick & Cathy said...

He did.

Mick & Cathy said...

I think we all have moments when we think there are no nice people.
My experience is there is a lot out there.
I glad you like my rules.

Modigliani said...

I like most of these. Specifically #1, #4, #8, #9, #10.

But #5 I must disagree with. It's a glorious feeling to win, but I don't think it's the end-all, be-all. If I didn't "play fair" then it would be a hollow victory. In some situations, knowing I "played fair" and "played my best" while losing would feel better than "stealing" a "win".

(Although I can tell, WRB, that you are the type who wouldn't participate in cheating to gain a win. I still just had to put in my 2 cents!)

Mick & Cathy said...

Fair point about the winning if you have to cheat isn't really winning.
What I am saying with this statment is all life is competitive and you have to win to achieve (even down to job interviews, passing exams, etc.).
But I agree that you can take a lot of pleasure from trying your best but failing (as long as you were trying to win).

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.