Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Final Countdown

Its certainly getting close to me finishing work (21st Dec), I've still had no official contact from the new company to see if anything is on offer. To be honest I'm looking forward to Christmas off it'll be the first time I've had the full week off for a few years.
A lot of people leave tomorrow but a small skeleten crew including myself will be there to the end. It is just so quiet its sort of spooky.

A lot of people are off out for a drink tomorrow night but I'll just show my face and go home, I'm playing Table Tennis in the British League all weekend in Sheffield. The division is really tight with one point seperating the top five teams so every match is critical. We are equal top with 6 points and we play the team level with us first up Saturday morning. I've been struggling with cold all week but I am improving, hopfully I can up my performance we'll see.

Ok I'm missing the leaving do tomorrow but a few of us are off out for a meal next Wednesday, should be good I'll have to remember my Camera.

I've been scanning the deals for my travels next year, the prices arn't quite right yet but they are dropping so watch this space. I'm hoping to maybe visit some online friends during the next year, I reckon one is a cert (she knows who) but it'd be nice to meet more friends if possible, I suppose it depends where I go.

Take Care all of you xx.


Anonymous said...

hey Mick,

hope your cold is better and good luck in the TT on the weekend.

it's good that you're going to the leaving do and showing your face, it'll mean a lot to the people leaving.

can't wait to hear about your travel plans.

what do you have planned for xmas??

we're doing the family thing but for the first time in i can't remember how long we don't have to travel over 10 mins to get there!!! i'm excited.

hope you have a great weekend hon


celtic_girl said...

It must be unsettling for you not really knowing what is happening with your career, but remember things always happen for a reason and I'm sure they will fall into place for you. Good luck with yout TT match and have a good weekend.