Sunday, December 09, 2007

Disaster Weekend

Just a quickie to let those that are interested know how we got on at our British League Matches today.

Well as I predicted without a full strength squad we struggled and like Saturday lost both our matches. One weekend 4 matches, 4 defeats we've moved from title challengers into a relegation battle.
Both today's games were close we lost them both 5-3, personally I played well winning all four of my games but without some of my regular teamates we struggled. I'm disapointed personal success doesn't replace team success.

If anyone is interested I've just posted individual photo's our players from this weekend (1st & 2nd team) on the Clubs blog, check it out - Derwent Table Tennis Club

And just to cap off this miserable weekend Ricky Hatton got beat.


Anonymous said...

hey Mick,

let me tell you about disaster weekends, drunken work xmas parties. need i say anything more?

lucky i didn't misbehave too badly, if at all. i did dance alot and had a couple of people have a go at me about my boss, what can i say, he's my boss and i like him! so i defended him of course.

in the meantime i drank a bit more wine and then switched to spirits, which was a good move as i handle it better.

ended up finishing at 12 and then went out, just me and my girlfriend Iris who was my date for the evening. luckily noone from work came with us. everything was closing and so were forced to drink at a strip club, nice way to finish off the night. Christian rang at 4.30am and asked if we were coming home as we had a breakfast on Sunday... what time is it? 4.30, omg! is it!!! oops. home we went.

good night was had but i did spend a bit of time pancking about the xmas party. which was not a good way to spend my day so no more drinking at work functions! it's not worth the worry or heartache.

hope you're well, it's nearly xmas!

Mick & Cathy said...


Is Christian still talking to you ?

I hope you didn't punch the people at the works do too hard, lol.

Anonymous said...

hey Mick,

thankfully he was quite amused that it was 4.30am and i didn't realise it. he was waiting up for me when i got home and i told him all about my night and he had quite a chuckle. the next day he felt like he had a hangover too due to lack of sleep!

no punches were thrown, i gave that up a few years ago LOL

take care hon