Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Thank You

On my last post Regina & Joel (Dcnats) comment that I write a lot for a reluctant blogger. They are correct in fact it was a chance reading of Regina's blog that got me interested.
Writing was never a strong point of mine and I lacked the confidence to start my own blog. Suggestions by these two people made me change my mind and I am pleased I did.
Ok the written English may contain a few mistakes but at 47 years old (oh shit 48 this month) I have a million stories to tell.
People who read this blog will read nothing but honest stories, honest opinions, some Good, some Bad and some Ugly about me. Like or hate me and my opinions don't be afraid to comment I will respect your opinion (I never said agree).

Regina & Joel have done me a favour, I want to blog in my own way and I am grateful to them both, THANK YOU.

So far these two people are the only ones to reply to my posts but reading some other blogs it sometimes takes months for the readership to grow, I hope mine does.

The picture is of me last June at Stllwell Ave, Subway Station at Coney Island, New York. I just asked the local police officer if I could borrow his batton. He was a real nice bloke and I talked to him for ages, he took this photo. Don't you think I look hard (well slightly tough) ?


Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

Hey! THERE you are! You look like a very nice guy -- wait, why is that nice guy holding a baton? Backing away slowly...

Yes, readership does build gradually. My blog is almost two years old and it's just in the past few months that I've been getting steady comments on each post.

Joel said...

yeah it takes a while to get readers, but just keep posting regardless... and comments aren't an exact science as far as knowing how many people read. I've got some friends and family that I know read but just don't comment.

I'm glad to know you're settling into your blog so well... I was like you, I read a few blogs and then one day I decided to go ahead and start my own- I never expected to not only have so many readers, but to also become part of a sort of Blogging community.

great to finally be able to put a picture next to the mental image I had! Keep blogging.

Mick & Cathy said...

Yes I am into this blogging and my thanks are sincere. I have always had opinions on everthing but never had the confidence to write before. As soon as I start something my confidence always grows fast.

Regina - The nice guy is holding the baton because the officer wouldn't lend me his gun.