Saturday, March 25, 2006


Throughout my life I have always had ambitions, things I want to do or achieve. Some things I have done/achieved and I am adding more all the time.

This is my current list : -

Work :-

Retire before I'm 55 years old.

Life :-

Live till I'm 100 years old.
Always enjoy life.
Be happy.

Travel :-

Cities I want to visit (this list is growing all the time) :-
Nashville (soon), New Orleans, Austin, Atlanta, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, St Louis, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Rio, Buenos Airies, Sydney, Melbourne, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Vienna, Moscow, (I'm sure I've missed one).

Sports Wise -

Soccer - See Leeds United win the European Champions League.
Read my report dated 10th March to understand this one.

Table Tennis - Win all eight events I am eligible to enter at the Annual York championships. This will require playing and winning around 40 matches over two days. At this years championships I won five - Veterans (over 40) singles plus the doubles with Jacko, The division one singles, Mens doubles with Richard and Mixed doubles with Jill. I was also beaten finalist in both the Hard bat Singles and doubles. The eigth event was the mens singles where I lost to my doubles partner in the semi-final, he lost the final to Martin. I have since beaten Martin in the league (his only defeat this season). Roll on next year for my next attempt.

Golf - Get my handicap down to single figures. It is currently "15" but I don't get enough time to play. I need to make more effort.

Pool - Win the local Selby singles title. I have never been near but once got to the mixed doubles final with a girl called Sharron.

People :-
As I like meeting real people this is a new one I have just come up with.
I want to meet people that write to my blog on a regular basis, I have put two on the list so far and some other potential people are under consideration (all on my blogs to read list).
1. Regina (Friday 28th April).
2. Joel Dcnats.

So basically write comments on my blog then one day !
Don't worry I don't bite and the drinks/meal are on me.


Joel said...

I once had a list of 100 things I wanted to do before I died... I lost it, so I guess if I start a new one it would have to be 101 things and one of them would be "not lose my list".

Too bad I live so far from Chicago... if I was closer we could make that meal happen on your next visit to the city of wind, but I guess we'll have to wait for your DC visit.

Mick & Cathy said...

Its a promise friend.

Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

The meal is on you? Excellent! April 28th it is.

Mick & Cathy said...

Yes the meal & drinks are on me.
Date (Fri 28th to Mon 1st), Time & Venue can be your choice.
The date I mentioned was for my intention to visit "The Grillroom" at lunch time (probably not now).