Thursday, October 05, 2006

Wednesday in Toronto and a Quality Lady

Well yesterday it rained most of the day so I basically spent a steady day wandering around a few shops. Now Wednesdays are not normally the best of nights out where I come from so was also expecting a quiet night.

Anyway I started to get ready to go out for a meal at just after 6pm. I jumped in the shower and then to my horror realised the maid hadn't left any towels. Soaking wet I had to phone reception to get some sent up, which they did.

Anyway I thought I'd look for a bar meal somewhere so only get dressed in some black jeans and a casual shirt. As I walked down Yonge Street outside the Eaton Centre I passed a restaurant called "Baton Rouge" and saw through the window that some folk were eating at the bar. So I went in and the hostess got me a seat at the bar, I prefer this when alone because its the best way of meeting people.

I'd just ordered a drink and was looking at the menu when a lady came up and asked if the seat at my side was takem, I told her it was free. Now this lady had Class written all over her you could tell by the way she conducted herself and the expensive looking clothes she was wearing. I remember thinking to myself I wish I'd put on some smart trousers and a dress shirt.

Anyway we got talking and she was real good company, it turned out she was called Joanne and from Montreal. She was manager of a hotel group and was in town to look at some hotels.

We talked for ages following our meal and I must say she was a nice person, real quality. She was staying a very good hotel in a much better area than mine, I was a little embarrased telling her my hotel. Anyway we had a very nice evening and eventually went our seperate ways.

One final story I found amusing - I made my way back to my hotel just after midnight wondering if I would get approached by more beggars or hookers.

As I reached my hotel steps the beggars just about had it then I heard a female voice "Hey mister come over here and have a cigarrete with us".

I looked around to see two ladies of the night and replied "sorry I don't smoke"

One of the ladies replied "Hey you sound funny where are you from"

I replied "England".

She said "are you looking for some fun"

I said "No just on my way to my room to sleep"

She then said "You can have both of us for $60"

Now not been interested I thought I would come up with a little white lie and said "I would love to but I don't think my wife would like it she is in the room"

But this girl wasn't giving up and replied "Wouldn't your wife want to watch"

I said "She's not into that sort of thing"

She had an answer "Its ok we have a place around the corner and we'll be quick if your wife is expecting you back"

I gave my apologies and just said to the girls "Be carefull Look after yourselves"

The lady said "Goodbye, have a good night"

Well I will say it again I am not interested in prostitutes nad won't be going with any but if I was Toronto would be a good place to start, they actually really amuse me.


Rachel said...

Well, I was kind of worried about the first lady cuz high class hookers abound in any city, as well.

Could be, you're just a magnet, Mick, just a magnet!?

Mick & Cathy said...

No the first lady was just a class person (like yourself obviously). We were just two people alone in a strange city and had a good chat, just been sociable.
I've never been described a magnet before.

ArleneWKW said...

You remind me of how much fun traveling alone can be. You're almost forced to interact with people you don't know. And that can be quite wonderful. I've done it in the past and may be doing it in the future. This is a good reminder for me.

Mick & Cathy said...

I think its the explorer in some of us. I've always loved travel I love adventure and discovery.
At the same time I know most people are only comfortable in their own environment. It wouldn't do for us all to be the same.