Sunday, October 22, 2006

Road Rage

The other day I was involved in quite a amusing incident. I had been to the MacArthur Glenn Designer shopping complex just outside York and was driving out in the correct Right hand lane to go to Selby. You also need to be in this lane for the York turn off but when I reached the roundabout a idiot came flying up my left hand side and cut me up while trying to get to York.

As any normal person would do I slammed on my brakes gave him a blast on my horn and jestered with my hand that I thought he liked solo sex.

He seemed to take offence to this and stopped his car and started pointing his finger and waving his fist. Now let me explain this bloke was built like a Bull and was the type that would have "I love Kung Fu" tattooed on his forhead.

As we were both now stopped on a roundabout I thought best forget it a drive off towards Selby. I looked in my mirror and this meat head had spun his car around and was chasing after me.
I thought about stopping but decided against it so I slowed down and let him catch up.

Now it was obvious to me I've got a reasonable car and he was driving a old banger so when he closed up I just hit the accelerator and pulled away he couldn't keep up. I repeated this slowing down then speeding up for about six miles before the plonker realised what a idiot he looked and gave up the chase.

Anyway I was quite amused by this incident.


Jenny said...

Yikes, I thought we only had idiots that drove like that on this side of the pond! I one time honked at a lady in a parking lot because she was waiting for a spot but completely blocking the aisle so I could get around her to keep going. In stead she gave me the finger, followed ME around and then when I parked and walked in, she yelled profanities from her car at me. All because of one honk! People just need to relax!

Modigliani said...

People are so nuts when they get behind the wheel of a car, aren't they? It's amazing we survive our daily commutes, really. I'm glad you left him eating your dust, though!! :)

I've had my fair share of road rages, too. The worst for me was a giant 18 wheeler who was tailing me and a few others on the highway. He was actually right up our hind-ends, beeping his horn like mad and going between several lanes. I thought he was drunk, and I just got so MAD that he was being totally reckless. I couldn't let it slide, so I laid my horn on and gave him a gesture of my own! LOL!

But it can be really scary and dangerous to do that, actually. Especially when you consider how many turn violent. There was a road-rage incident here in San Diego a few weeks back where a 17 year old was shot and killed!

airliebird58 said...

Aren't there some wassocks driving about nowadays? I don't drive myself,(I had 10 lessons then my Instructor died suddenly, I took this as an omen to give up. I really was a rubbish driver!) Being in the passenger seat as the hubby drives us about, I think you notice things more. Folk step into their cars and feel like they're in a little cocoon and they can do anything they like!
On another note. Its looking like its maybe Dennis Wise to take over the Whites. What are your thoughts Mick?

Mick & Cathy said...

Yes its amazing how some people think they own the road. Those that drive close behind really irritate me.

Dennis Wise, well any man capable of taking Millwall to the cup final can't be that bad, he can't do worse than what we've got.

Anonymous said...

I think my least favourite experience was commuting into Toronto, I pulled the 401 (big highway through Ontario, known for it's insane driver's and awful traffic jams) and when I got to the end of the off ramp the idiot in front of me gets out of his car at the red light and starts yelling and shaking his fist at me.

I wasn't following him closely, I didn't cut anyone off, I had no idea why he looked like he wanted to rip my head off and spit down my neck. So in my little fast car I just pulled into the next lane and hit the gas the moment the light turned.

To this day, no idea why that guy was so angry with me.

Unknown said...

wow what an experience! I am glad you didnt get hurt from this idiot driver!

Mick & Cathy said...

Its amazing how many pyscho's are about when they get behind the wheel.

I'll put my hands up to be an idiot, when I saw your comment this morning I thought "what a coincidence someone writing to my blog from Toronto where I've just been". It took me over an hour for the penny to drop (with help from my gossip buddy at work).
I can't believe I didn't spot the obvious clue in your name !
I hope you are keeping well and saving up for your England trip(mainly Yorkshire).
Did you like the photo's ?
Don't hesitate to keep in touch.

Never a danger I can run fast as well as drive fast.

Hear me ROAR said...


I had a friend who did what you did and unfortunately he wasn't so lucky. The guy caught up to him and got out of his car at a stop light and hit my friend with a crow bar!! Some people can be lunatics!

Mick & Cathy said...

A crowbar its scary what lunatics are out there.